Tuesday, January 31, 2012 · 0 comments

Jam di dinding menunjukkan pukul 17.35 WIB menemani hari ku bersama lepy kesayangan ku, kulihat dari dalam kamar ungu ku,terlihat air  hujan turun rintik-rintik  membasahi hijaunya daun ilalang yang bergoyang-goyang layaknya berjoget dangdut. Terdengar suara jeritan pintu kamarku dan akupun menoleh kearah sumber suara tersebut, detak jantungku mulai tak beraturan air keringat mengalir disekujur tubuhku. terlihat bayangan hitam samar-samar dan mulai jelas jelas , dan sesosok mahkluk muncul dari balik pintu,  “halo kakak, lagy apa?” kata adekku yang berpakaian ala korea. “ni anak dateng kaya hantu aja bikin jantung maw copot, kakak lagy fb-an” sambil berkata dengan nada tinggi dan agak marah. Adekku Cuma bisa senyum-senyum sendiri layaknya orang stresss…hahahaha…. “ih..kakak digituin  aja dah marah-marah gag ada habisnya, adek pergi aja deh..wek..wek!” teriak adekku. Untung adekku langsung pergi, aman deh dari gangguan si kecil dan akupun melanjutkan kenarsissan ku di Facebook bersama si ungu….hihihihi.

Secangkir teh hangat dan sebuah modem pake provider “si ungu” sudah menjadi kebiasaanku kalau berada di depan laptop merahku. Mungkin inilah kehidupan seorang mahasiswa apalagi masuk dalam jurusan teknik computer, mau tidak mau ya tiap hari Cuma di depan layar laptop, facebookan , twitteran, browsing tugas , kirim tugas via email dan masih banyak lagi pekerjaan ku yang tak bisa lepas dari kata internet. Bisa dibilang aku ini selalu update berita-berita dari internet, berita politik, ekonomi, teknologi, pendidikan aku jelajahi semuanya dengan satu klik-an. Jika dipikir-pikir apa aku ini eksis dengan internet, bisa dibilang ya. Eksis itu selalu update dan tidak ketinggalan jaman, kalau menurutku eksis itu selalu berinternet ria kapanpunn dan dimanapun kita berada asalkan ada sinyal si ungu yang selalu setia menemani hariku.
Kembali ke beranda facebook ku, terlihat 50 notification berbaris rapi di halaman browser ku, tak tanggung-tanggung aku buka semua notification. Klik kanan buka new tab sudah menjadi moto hidupku bersama si ungu, sambil menunggu halaman terbuka aku sempatkan tuk meminum teh hangatku yang sudah sedikit dingin. “sudah terbuka semuanya ni” gumanku, ada yang ngewall di berandaku aku bales ngewall di beradanya, ada yang ngelike statusku aku like statusnya, ada yang komentar di status ku , ku komentar balik. Itulah yang namanya berteman dan menjaga rasa solidaritas antar teman di dunia maya.
“bro… ada tugas literasi computer dikumpulin besok” salah seorang temanku  ngewall di berandaku. “what… besuk!!!, ni dosen ngasih tugas mendadak banget” dengan nada kaget. Tanpa pikir panjang aku langsung tancap gas mengetik kata di mesin pencari, pengertian computer lalu ku tekan enter. Hanya beberapa detik saja laman mesin pencari menampilkan berbaris-baris website yang menampilkan keywords pengertian computer. Kupilih pilih yang pas untuk tugasku, dan pilihan ku tertuju pada salah satu website penyedia file berformat pdf. “apa bisa buka web ini , web ini kan berat banget kalau dibuka  dengan koneksi dial up” pikirku. Kucoba klik web tersebut, wow cepat sekali !! ternyata si ungu masih kenceng buat browsing walau dah 2 minggu ku gunakan. Langsung saja ku buka aplikasi ms word untuk membuat tugas kuliah ku tersebut, 30 menit telah berlalu dan akhirnya tugasku selesai. Akupun menghela nafas panjang tak lupa meminum teh hangat ku yang tinggal seperempat cangkir.
Sekarang waktunya mengirim tugas via email, hanya butuh waktu beberapa detik saja untuk membuka sebuah akun email, hebat juga si ungu ternyata kau bisa diandalkan. “your message has been sent” itulah kata yang muncul setelah mengirim email ku dan akupun merasa tenang karena tugas telah selesai aku kerjakan dengan baik berkat si ungu. Baru pertama kali ini aku menemukan provider yang cepat dalam segala hal dengan sinyal yang full.
oh ya!, untuk si ungu kalau bisa memperbanyak BTS di daerah pedesaan agar semua masyarakat dapat menikmati layanan internet secara mudah dan cepat. mungkin si ungu bisa meluncurkan program paket murah untuk petani, kita tahu petani merupakan penggerak kehidupan di negara ini, jika program ini dilaksanakan akan sangat membantu mereka. saya memang tinggal dipedesaan dan alhamdullilah sinyal si ungu lumayan baik, sudah lancar digunakan untuk browsing mencari tugas maupun kirim tugas. internet untuk rakyat itulah hal yang paling bijak untuk rakyat indonesia ini. 
Mata ini sudah mulai menampakkan tanda-tanda ingin beristirahat namun pikiran ku masih ingin eksis berinternet ria dengan si ungu. Jam di dinding sudah menunjukkan pukul 23.01 WIB , Daripada besuk bangun kesiangan lebih baik tidur aja. Tak lupa mendisconect koneksiku sebelum badan ni terbaring  Dan akupun mulai terbawa ke alam mimpi. Terimakasih axis kau buat hidupku mudah.

Electric's Article

Thursday, January 26, 2012 · 0 comments

  • Magnetic Poles
  • South Pole
  • North Pole
  • Magnetic lines of force exist between the north and south poles. Like poles repel. Opposite poles attract.
  • Each magnetic line of force is an independent line. None of the lines cross or touch a bordering line.
  • Natural Magnets: Lodestones were used by mariners for navigation.
  • The Earth is a large magnet surrounded by a magnetic field. (i.e. degaussing coils).

  • Q. What are some uses for magnets?
  • A. Relays, Levetron, hold things in place.
  • Q. How can a magnet loose its magnetism?
  • A. Pounding or dropping magnets upsets the molecular alignment and weakens the magnet. Heat sources also destroy magnets by causing increased molecular activity, expansion and a return to the molecules random positions.

  • Magnetic flux: The many invisible lines of magnetic force surrounding a magnet.

* B=Flux density in gauss (webers per square centimeter)
* Φ(phi)=Number of lines
* A=Cross sectional area in square centimeters
3rd Law of Magnetism:
* The attractive force increases as the distance of the distance between the magnets decrease.
* Magnetic force varies inversely with (Distance)2

Relay: Device used to control a large flow of current by means of a low voltage, low current circuit. A relay is a magnetic switch.
Coil: Attracts armature because of magnetism.
Armature: Lever Arm.
Contacts: Normally open (NO) Normally closed (NC)
Relay Maintenance:
Burnishing tool cleans contacts
Silver plated armatures should be replaced if there is exposed copper.

HSST is a magnetic levitation transportation system that has been developed in Japan by HSST Development Corporation established in 1993.
The HSST is magnetically-levitated (not supported by wheels) and is propelled by a linear induction motor (LIM), not by conventional rotary electric motors.

Q. How does a relay work?
A. Coil energizes, armature engages, secondary contact shuts/opens.
Q. When would a use a magnetic circuit breaker?
A. Used in electric plants to parallel generators and switchboards.
Q. What is the LHR for conductors?
A. Fingers: wrap around coil. Thumb: points in direction of current.


Monday, January 16, 2012 · 0 comments

ini adalah trik internet gratis operator three/3/tri tahun 2012. tanggal 17 januari masih bekerja . kecepatan sampe 300KBps-400KBps.....
triknya begini
1.kamu harus punya simcard three paket internet bukan tri yang bwt sms atau telpon
2.punya modem
3.punya laptop
4.punya listrik
kalau dah ada semua , konek ajalah....

intinya pake pindah jaringan..kalau yang mudeng bisa gratiiiiissssss 1 bulan internet,, gaa pake uang kaya kecepatan speedy......


Sunday, January 15, 2012 · 0 comments

inilah judul buku yang akan saya buat selama liburan semester, daripada menganggur di rumaah , yah itung2 mengurangi jumlah penganguran di indonesia (sok bijaksana..wkwkwkwkw). mikirin judul buku apa itu yang paling bikin pusing,, tidur juga gag nemu , makan juga gag nemu idea,, akhirnya aku menemukan 1 judul dan itu pas banget dengan hidupku.. MENCARI CINTA sebuah cerita yang isinya gue banget lah...
tunggu tanggal rilisnya...
coming soon.

----------------------------------MENCARI CINTA-------------------------------

Beyond The Well , indonesian made

Saturday, January 14, 2012 · 0 comments

Eldwin viriya and Jefvin viriya are sisters who follow Agate Mobile Developer Camp 2011.After attending the Developer Camp, the game developed by Eldwin and Jefvin now available on Nokia Ovi Store since Thursday (01/13/2012). They named the game Beyond The Well.
Beyond The Well is the game air-Adventure RPG genre for casual gamers. This game tells a young man named Hansel who found a well fulfilling expectations. To make an application to the well, it costs 1 coin per 1 application.
Hansel thought that when a lot of appeal to the well, surely there will be a lot of coins in the well. Hansel then peered into the well and tried to retrieve the coins in the well.
In the middle of the coin-making process, he slipped and fell into the well. From these wells, terjebaklah Hansel in a different world behind the well. The task is to help Hansel players struggled back to their home world.
Players can help Hansel by improving "Heal Item" or use the skills that are available. The main character will be an adventure itself automatically, sometimes to meet a monster, sometimes met the hotel, or "item shop" to buy inventory.
"Gameplay is simple, suitable for playing on mobile phones. Ngeliatin Players only need the main character fight alone while bantuin skill he uses the same item. Because players will be watching more, we try to provide the best possible graphics for them," said Eldwin, the creators of the game, while explaining about this game.
Beyond The Well is available for the Nokia platform Type: C3-00, Asha 200, X2-01, 2010, 201, 2000, 302, and 3020. This game can be downloaded at the Nokia Store or directly to this address, http://store.ovi.mobi/content/240955. This game can be downloaded for free, until the time that has not been determined.
Eldwin, IT graduates and Jefvin Unpar Bandung who still sits in third grade high school in St. Petersburg. Aloysius 1 Sultan Agung, New York, claiming it only takes one week to design the concept of this game. Completion process about 1 month, but seriously new work in the past two weeks, because the programmer, Jefvin must take exams.

This game is included in the Game Developer War, a competition that chose the winners based on the most downloaded. The winner of this game is the most widely downloaded during the 30 days since the game was first released.

windows 8 final


Microsoft will provide the Reset button (cleaning) and Refresh (freshener) on the newest operating system, Windows 8, the final version scheduled to be released this summer.
This feature is an imaging facility of Windows 8, which is operated by running the file "recimg.exe". Refresh and Reset Features in Windows 8 is more or less the same with software Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image.
Both of these new features will eliminate reinstall ritual that must be done when Windows (earlier versions) with problems, get the virus, or been very slow.
RefreshIf you feel a slow computer performance, or full of malware, then you can use the Refresh feature to refresh your OS Windows 8. This feature is only erase certain data, do not remove the personal data and configuration data that already exist, such as network configuration, Bitlocker, and personalized desktop.
Refresh feature can be done in two ways. First, how to remove it quickly, or use the quick mode. Second, thoroughly remove or erase mode through which random data from the hard disk. This feature greatly facilitates the novice user if a computer virus.
ResetReset feature can be used to restore like-new computer operating system was first installed. Of course, the features Reset will erase all applications and data. Computers like something out of the factory, there is absolutely no data in there.
Reset feature is very beneficial for those who want to sell computers that use Windows 8.
It did not take longMicrosoft claims, these two features work quickly and will not be time-consuming user. For the Reset feature, you only takes six minutes. While the Refresh feature that can be done in two modes, would require a different time. Refresh with a quick mode only takes 8 minutes. While reloading with through mode takes more time, 24 minutes.
Both of these features much facilitated in tablet devices, both based on Android and IOS. If the operating system Windows Phone and Windows 8 for mobile devices want to be successful in the market, then Microsoft should also provide both these features.

ultrabook 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012 · 0 comments

Almost everyone wants this in a computer device: the right size, thin, lightweight, has a design-catching but still has an amazing ability.

Ideal computer that can manifest in many ways. Each computer user may have their own dreams.

Intel in 2011 started an initiative that is expected to meet the criteria for the ideal computer devices. This initiative is named as Ultrabook.

Brata Rafly, Sales Director, Intel Indonesia, said the Ultrabook would become "The Next Big Thing" aka something that has a huge impact in 2012.

In Indonesia, there have been several types of Ultrabook are present in the market. Acer Aspire One is S3 which is the first Ultrabook are present in Indonesia.

"Ultrabook is indeed appropriate to meet the needs of consumers in the present. In addition to instant, (consumers) also need performance," said Daniel Rustandi, Director, Marketing Division, Acer Indonesia.

Ultrabook does have the characteristic shape of a thin, lightweight and portable design that 'sweet'. In addition, long battery life and processor performance is quite powerful.

Consumers in Indonesia was said to have a great interest in these devices. Wisman Odhin, IT Analyst from Pazia computer distributor, said Ultrabook attracted many consumers who want to buy a laptop.

"When they come in, look around Ultrabook. It seems to be more attractive to them than other notebooks that seem mediocre," he said when met at Pazia Store, fX, Jakarta.

facebook virus


Seculert security company announced that more than 45,000 Facebook account washacked hackers and viruses to enter. The virus is spread through the link sent to terbajakFacebook account.

Seculert saidRamnitwhich first appeared in April 2010again ragedIn addition to theterbajak 45,000 Facebook accountsRamnit called successfully infect 800,000 machines.This took place in September to December 2011.Microsoft Ramnit call as a malicious program that infects executable files multicomponent
WindowsMicrosoft Office documentsand HTML filesThe goal is to steal sensitive informationSeculert suspiciousirresponsible parties behind Ramnit use stolen data toenter the victim's Facebook account and sends a malicious link to friends. In addition, the criminals targeted access to corporate networks.
"Cyber ​​criminals take advantage of users who use the same password for all accounts(such as Facebook, Gmail, Corporate SSL VPNand Outlook Web Access). This opportunity is used cyber criminals to enter into a corporate network," explains Seculert.

Facebook itself has said that every day they blocked the 600,000 logins from accountsthat are detected are already infectedThe amount is only slightly compared to the numberof Facebook users who logged in every daythat is 1 billion logins per day.

Facebook saysless than 4 percent of Facebook content is spam and less than 2 percent of Facebook users who see spam accounts every dayIt is still far to an e-mail that 89.1percent of that is spam.

To avoid viruses and spamhow simple can always try is to use a password that is uniqueand has different passwords for different accounts as well. Use of antivirus updates alsohelp reduce the risk of infection.


Sunday, January 1, 2012 · 0 comments

Virus Android

Growth and the increasing number of users Android OS Android Ditahun 2011 the "confirmed" the criminals to make a virus and become a "field" after the new Microsoft operating system that begins with the appearance of Trojans that exploit the popularity of the game Android.plankton Angry Bird, it is proving Android bukanlan current OS safe anymore.

Logically this is a matter of time, because the malware authors will try to attack the most popular OS. Currently most malware is still attacking the Windows OS, but look at the popularity of Android, the makers of the malware seems to be tempted to attack this OS.

Along with the launch of the latest version of Angry Birds with the name of Angry Birds Rio, where such games are usually obtained for free on Android Market (both Android phones and tablets) only gives the amount (level) the game is limited because the level of the others are still locked .

This is where malware authors see the gap and act by making an application under the name "Angry Birds Rio Unlock" that promise to unlock all the hidden levels in the game Angry Birds Rio.
Many things can be done by the virus android one of them is going to send an SMS to premium numbers which will drain your phone pulses, Downloading other applications without the owner DeviceID device, and send the data, the version of the SDK (Software Development Kit) and information about the permissions of the file to a server that has been provided trojan maker.

What about Local viruses?

Local spread of the virus in 2011 decreased compared to the previous year even if there are viruses that have spread in the previous year and several other local viruses with the same ability to duplicate itself in every folder and subfolder.

How is the trend of malware in 2012?

Judging from the spread of malware in 2011, in 2012 social networking media such as YM and Facebook is still a soft target for criminals as well as with the spread of scareware / fakeav be still alive in 2012.

Another thing to watch is for users of Android this view because of its rapidly increasing growth of Android and the increasing number of users Andorid.

It should be a wise step in the face of this attack, always update the information development of the virus, a computer by using antivirus protection up-to-date and have the support of local support some things you can do to prevent the least chance memperkeci virus to spread itself.
