Excavations in the hamlet Liyangan, Purbosari Village, County Waterford, found traces of ancient settlements buried Mataram Sindoro eruption. This finding is important because it traces the temple of the Ancient Mataram. The first clue that once stood around Liyangan shown by the discovery of an ancient settlement, charcoal, wood charcoal former home as well as bamboo poles and palm fiber which also has a charcoal. All traces of the culture was found six to eight feet in the sand and rock piles.
Archaeologists from the Institute for Archaeologists Yogyakarta, who examined the site Liyangan, Sugeng Riyanto, said the former rural Liyangan is that once flourished in the Ancient Mataram. In addition, Liyangan also be the only archaeological site that contains data of the remaining houses of the ancient Mataram.
Findings of the existing footprint, Sugeng and other Yogyakarta Archaeological Center researchers trying to reconstruct the houses in the Ancient Mataram, which is shaped stage set up home on a foundation of andesitic rocks and wood floors as thick as six inches to eight inches. While the roof is made from bamboo fibers with the frame. However, the reconstruction stage whole house was difficult because some of his tracks were damaged by mining.
Discovery tools show the daily needs of this region is an ancient dwelling. Objects which are found among others pipisan and gandik which is a tool muller drugs in ancient times. Pipisan and gandik found scattered in the ruins of the temple. In such a complex is also found petirtaan or fountain of water shooting into the main venue for the needs of religious ritual.
Not only the sites of settlements, the area on the slopes of Mount Sindoro is also thought to be the area of agriculture. Sugeng said, the people who inhabit the area in the past have mastered the technology of agriculture. This is indicated by the findings of similar buildings built relatively long bridge cliffs of stone cubes and "construction" of the relatively long bridge that attaches to the relatively long bridge boulder climbing.
Although its function is unknown, suspected the building was the result of environmental engineering related to agriculture. This suspicion is strengthened by the discovery of a number of yoni in the vicinity that is not contextual with the building of the temple.Yoni-Yoni are related to agricultural activities as a symbol of fertility.
Seeing a pile of buried material, allegedly stalled the development of this civilization by the eruption of Mount Sindoro.Bamboo calendar terarangkan Liyangan conducted in Yogyakarta Archaeological Center found that the possibility of an eruption occurred in 971 AD to 112-year aberration. Liyangan complex material is buried by pyroclastic flows or pyroclastic Sindoro. "The complex is buried in a single period of eruption because there is no bedding that shows looping pyroclastic flows," said Helmy Murwanto, a geologist with the National Development University "Veteran" Yogyakarta. A very large eruption volume fill and spill over into the valley settlements. Site discovery strengthens the hypothesis that Liyangan Merapi mountain range, Sindoro, Cleft, and Dieng became a kind of ancient Mataram shaft housing development. Central Java developed into a center of classical culture in 7-10 centuries.
Culture influenced India's culture to achieve rapid development in the region Kedu and Prambanan. Kedu shaft-Prambanan it now covers areas including Magelang regency (Central Java) and the Lahore District (Yogyakarta), especially around Prambanan. County Waterford is located in Magelang regency north is also an important area in the past. In the region found to be quite a lot of temples and inscriptions of the Ancient Mataram. Moreover, the inscription was also discovered nearby in the village Rukam Petarongan, Parakan District, on the slopes of Mount Sindoro.Rukam this inscription is the only inscription which clearly illustrates the impact of volcanic eruptions on civilization in the past. "The emergence of volcanic eruptions that buried civilization and convince people that when it lands where it was blessed by God to look for other areas," said Chairman of the Yogyakarta Archaeological Center Siswanto
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