Kelud crisis

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 ·

"In 2007, of which I get a whisper, he will not erupt. So, I declared yet. If Mr. Surono (Head of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation) from London said it would mbledos (erupt), "said Mbah Ronggo, which is known locally as the caretaker of Mount Kelud.

Crisis in a matter of determining whether Kelud will erupt or not to give its own color before the eruption in 2007. Struggle between scientific knowledge and supernatural strength and the impact on the issue of mitigation of social bonding.

Kelud activity has increased since 10 September 2007, which is characterized by an increased frequency of volcanic earthquakes, rising water temperatures crater, crater lakes and the color changes from green to white turbid. On 16 September 2007, the status Warning (highest) issued Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation.
Since then, the Executive Unit for Disaster Management Team Kediri trying to evacuate people living in the danger zone of Mount Kelud, a radius of 10 kilometers from the crater. However, the public, especially those living in the village of Sugihwaras, District Ngancar, are reluctant to evacuate.

They are still waiting for the certainty of Ronggo Mbah, who in the 1990 eruption of Mount Kelud, be able to predict when the eruption. Mbah Ronggo Parjito whose real name was stated that Kelud, according to whisper that he received from his ancestors, would not erupt.

"Then I was persuaded at Mr. Police told to evacuate so that people will flee," Mbah Ronggo story. Finally, that evening, 18 September 2007, he left the hamlet Margomulyo into refugee camps in Tawang Headquarters, District of Wates. However, he still retains his faith. In the refugee camps he asked immediately returned to their hamlet as Kelud would not erupt.

Status "kuncen" or caretaker of Mount Kelud is different than other areas, such as Mount Merapi or Rinjani. If the caretaker of Merapi has the legal power of the Sultan of Yogyakarta, and the Rinjani strengthened the power of custom and heredity, in Kelud only recognized communities and the village level.

Social ties that pivot on a caretaker created by supernatural powers. Although the name Mbah Ronggo well known and often asked for advice about when to be implemented ritual offerings to Mount Kelud, do not make it recognized as legitimate by the caretaker government. Apparently, the experience of events in 2007 and the events of the death of Mbah Maridjan by the 2010 eruption of Mount Merapi has impacted on the views of the caretaker.

Since the events of 2007, Mbah Ronggo position is felt to be very difficult. Now, he looked very carefully to get involved in issues related Kelud. The attitude of local government or tourism manager Kelud was felt to keep her distance. "So, if there is a ritual, no activity, I do not know. For four years I did not follow the (event) organized department of tourism, "he said.

Unique eruption

Regardless of right or wrong predictions Ronggo Mbah, a large eruption did not occur in Kelud in 2007. In fact, 3 November 2007 the lake water temperature had reached 74 degrees Celsius, well above the normal symptoms of the eruption (generally around 40 degrees celsius), tremor and tremor occur with large amplitude (greater than 35 mm).

Two days later, there was a unique phenomenon with the advent of the lava dome in the middle of the crater lake. The growing lava dome is now close the lake area which covers 109 000 square meters and 2.5 million cubic meters of drain water that had pooled there.

The uniqueness of Mount Kelud, which is often also called Mount Kelut (1731 m asl), lies in the fact it is difficult to predict when the volcano will erupt. Kelud, based on a survey Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping, is the stratovolcano volcano type.

Increased activity is usually seen Kelud symptoms through an increase in temperature of the lake, the content of CO2, sulfur gases, and changes the color of the lake water. Kelud will erupt naturally when it is accumulated endogenous energy is large enough so that the energy of the cast material can penetrate or stopper. With these conditions, it can be a powerful explosion and a sudden. Kelud explosion is evident in the events of 1919, which killed about 5,000 people.

Mitigation efforts

Seeing the danger of the nature of the eruption of Mount Kelud, mitigation efforts have been started since the reign of the Dutch East Indies. Efforts to reduce water crater lake was the first attempt to do. Cool Hugo in 1907 led the effort digging a channel through the embankment or the west of the crater wall. The effort was successfully issued 4.3 million cubic meters of water.

After the 1919 eruption, the crater lake water reduction efforts continue to be HG Von Steiger (1919-1923), Hettinga Tromp (1923-1928), and MJ Van Yzendroom (1953-1955). Indonesia mining expert, Adeli Job (1966-1967), led the tunnel excavation continued Ampera pioneered Ganesya Yzendroom and rehabilitate tunnels.

In addition to the tunnel, the effort to control the flow of lava is also initiated by constructing Dam dam Rhinos in 1951 although this has now been destroyed. Attitude to the dangers of an active volcano is unfortunately less government attention. Although some areas Kediri, Blitar and Malang Regency vulnerable Kelud eruption directly affected, mitigation preparedness organizations are still weak. Apart from minimal data, organizational systems as well not exist. Because of this, many people can not expect the government ...


