Similar disputes iPad Could Happen in Indonesia

Monday, February 27, 2012 ·

Apple has threatened not to sell the iPad anywhere in the world because it uses the trademark iPad, which is claimed is owned by another company. In Indonesia, there are at least two similar cases, which are experienced by HTC Corporation and Intel Corporation.

Of course, cases in Indonesia is different from that experienced by Apple in China. But interesting to see what kind of cases that have been passed by HTC and Intel.

Apple iPad name used was sued by a Chinese technology company called Proview International Holdings Ltd..

In Indonesia, High Tech Computer (HTC) Corporation had a dispute with the brand HTC, a local company owned by Vincent Siswanto.

Apparently in the judicial process in the Central Jakarta Commercial Court in mid-2010, the judge decided in favor of plaintiff (HTC Corp) entirely.

Consideration the judge said, smartphone manufacturers from Taipei was able to prove the rightful owner of the HTC brand.

It can be seen that the HTC brand has been registered in 108 countries around the world, such as the United States, Canada, Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, and some countries in Southeast Asia.

In addition, the judges assess Siswanto Vincent's HTC brand has similarities principally under the brand HTC's HTC Corp.

Therefore, according to Judge Vincent's HTC brand registration under the stars. IDM000218952 dated October 5, 2009 based on bad faith that is piggybacking on the fame that raises unfair competition.

Vincent HTC brand registered on January 21, 2008 and obtain a certificate No. IDM000218952 dated October 5, 2009 to protect the type of class 9 goods. Form of optical instruments, tools portrait, power cables, flash disk, USB, VCD Player, DVD Player and video game player.

In Indonesia, HTC Corporation has registered four brands since 2007. Registration is to protect the types of goods mobile phones, video phones, smartphones, slim computers, cameras, and others.

HTC Mobile Marketing Communication Indonesia Neni reluctant to explain the chronology of the dispute Rengganis brand. And choose transfer the case to the attorney of the company.

Intel Corporation Dispute

The case is long enough in the settlement of disputes by brand Intel Corporation PT Stage Electronic.

His case is located in the Intel trademark. Disputed by Intel Corporation Intel is a trademark registration No. 363 073, 363 075, 363076,363077,363078 registered in the name of PT stage.

Intel brand owned by PT Performance Brands registered in the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights Department of Justice and Human Rights for the goods shelves for audio, refrigerator, freezer, electronic equipment in the field of medicine, electric water pumps, mixers, blenders, and others.

While Intel's brand of Intel Corporation are listed for the product in the field of computer, communications, networking, electronic goods and the Internet Brand is synonymous with technology, quality, reliability.

The case began in 1993 when Intel Corporation filed for cancellation of trademark registration Intel, which is registered by the PT stage.

On September 1993, the Central Jakarta District Court decided Intel is not a famous trademark, so the lawsuit against PT Stage rejected.

"Intel Indonesia has resolved the issue properly," said Head of Public Relations Intel Indonesia Dhyoti R. Basuki. The Intel declined to elaborate further how the settlement.

Brand new dispute case was completed in 2009, nearly 15 years after the 1993 lawsuit. Trademark dispute settled by a peace deal between the two companies.

Well, what about the Apple vs Proview. Will the iPad trademark dispute case is finished with a peace agreement, or both should continue to "fight" in court?

