ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Overview 1
32‐Bit Microcontroller Code Size
Draft 1.2.4. Joseph Yiu, Andrew Frame
Microcontroller application program code size can directly affect the cost and power consumption of
products therefore it is almost always viewed as an important factor in the selection of a
microcontroller for embedded projects. Since the release and availability of 32‐bit processors such
as the ARM Cortex‐M3, more and more microcontroller users have discovered the benefits of
switching to 32‐bit products – lower power, greater energy efficiency, smaller code size and much
better performance. Whilst most of the benefits of using 32‐bit microcontrollers are widely known,
the code size advantage of 32‐bit microcontrollers is less obvious.
In this article we will explain why 32‐bit microcontrollers can reduce application code size whilst still
achieving high system performance and ease of use.
Typical myths of program size
Myth #1: 8bit
and 16bit
microcontrollers have smaller code size
There is a common misconception that switching from an 8‐bit microcontroller to a 32‐bit
microcontroller will result in much bigger code size – why? Many people have the impression that 8‐
bit microcontrollers use 8‐bit instructions and 32‐bit microcontrollers use 32‐bit instructions. This
impression is often reinforced by slightly misleading marketing from the 8‐bit and 16‐bit
microcontroller vendors.
In reality, many instructions in 8‐bit microcontrollers are 16‐bit, 24‐bits or other sizes larger than 8‐
bit, for example, the PIC18 instruction sizes are 16‐bit and, with the 8051 architecture, although
some instructions are 1 byte long, many others are 2 or 3 bytes long.
So would code size be better moving to a 16‐bit microcontroller? Not necessarily. Taking the
MSP430 as an example, a single operand instruction can take 4 bytes (32 bits) and a double operand
instruction can take 6 bytes (48 bits). In the worst case, an extended immediate/index instruction in
MSP430X can take 8 bytes (64 bits).
So how about the code size for ARM Cortex microcontrollers? The ARM Cortex‐M3 and Cortex‐M0
processors are based on Thumb®‐2 technology, which provides excellent code density. Thumb‐2
microcontrollers have 16‐bit instructions as well as 32‐bit instructions, with the 32‐bit instruction
functionality a superset of the 16‐bit version. In most cases a C compiler will use the 16‐bit version
of the instruction. The 32‐bit version would only be used when the operation cannot be performed
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Typical myths of program size 2
with a 16‐bit instruction. As a result, most of the instructions in an ARM Cortex microcontroller
program are 16‐bits. That’s even smaller than some of the instructions in 8‐bit microcontrollers.
Instruction size
Number of
PIC18 MSP430 /
Figure 1: Size of a single instruction in various processors
Within a compiled program for Cortex‐M processors, the number of 32‐bit instructions can be only a
small portion of the total instruction count. For example, the amount of 32‐bit instructions in the
Dhrystone program image is only 15.8% of the total instruction count (average instruction size is
18.53 bits) when compiled for the Cortex‐M3. For the Cortex‐M0 the ratio of 32‐bit instructions is
even lower at 5.4% (average instruction size 16.9 bits).
Myth #2: My application only processes 8bit
data and 16bit
Many embedded developers think that if their application only processes 8‐bit data then there is no
benefit in switching to a 32‐bit microcontroller. However, looking into the output from the C
compiler carefully, in most cases the humble “integer” data type is actually 16‐bits. So when you
have a for loop with an integer as loop index, comparing a value to an integer value, or using a C
library function that uses an integer (e.g. memcpy()), you are actually using 16‐bit or larger data.
This can affect code size and performance in various ways:
• For each integer computation, an 8‐bit processor will need multiple instructions to carry out
the operations. This directly increases the code size and the clock cycle count.
• If the integer value has to be saved into memory, or if you need to load an immediate value
from program ROM to this integer, it will take multiple instructions and multiple clock cycles.
• Since an integer can take up two 8‐bit registers, more registers are required to hold the
same number of integer variables. When there are an insufficient number of registers in the
register bank to hold local variables, some have to be stored in memory. Thus an 8‐bit
microcontroller might result in more memory accesses which increases code size and
reduces performance and power efficiency. The same issue applies to the processing of 32‐
bit data on 16‐bit microcontrollers.
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Typical myths of program size 3
• Since more registers are required to hold an integer in an 8‐bit microcontroller when passing
variables to a function via the stack, or saving register contents during context switching or
interrupt servicing, the number of stack operations required is more than that of 32‐bit
microcontrollers. This increases the program size, and can also affect interrupt latency
because an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) must make sure that all registers used are saved
at ISR entry and restored at ISR exit. The same issue applies to the processing of 32‐bit data
on 16‐bit microcontrollers.
There is even more bad news for 8‐bit microcontroller users: memory address pointers take multiple
bytes so data processing involving the use of pointers can therefore be extremely inefficient.
Myth #3: A 32bit
processor is not efficient at handling 8bit
and 16bit
Most 32‐bit processors are actually very efficient at handling 8‐bit and 16‐bit data. Compact
memory access instructions for signed and unsigned 8‐bit, 16‐bit and 32‐bit data are all available.
There are also a number of instructions specially included for data type conversions. Overall the
handling of 8‐bit and 16‐bit data in 32‐bit processors such as the ARM Cortex microcontrollers is just
as easy and efficient as handling 32‐bit data.
Myth #4: C libraries for ARM processors are too big
There are various C library options for ARM processors. For microcontroller applications, a number
of compiler vendors have developed C libraries with a much smaller footprint. For example, the
ARM development tools have a smaller version of the C library called MicroLib. These C libraries are
especially designed for microcontrollers and allow application code size to be small and efficient.
Myth #5: Interrupt handling on ARM microcontrollers is more complex
On the ARM Cortex microcontrollers the interrupt service routines are just normal C subroutines.
Vectored or nested interrupts are supported by the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
with no need for software intervention. In fact the setup process and processing of an interrupt
request is much simpler than 8‐bit and 16‐bit microcontrollers, as generally you only need to
program the priority level of an interrupt and then enable it.
The interrupt vectors are stored in a vector table in the beginning of the memory, normally within
the flash, without the need for any software programming steps. When an interrupt request takes
place the processor automatically fetches the corresponding interrupt vector and starts to execute
the ISR. Some of the registers are pushed to the stack by a hardware sequence and restored
automatically when the interrupt handler exits. The other registers that are not covered by the
hardware stacking sequence are pushed onto the stack by C compiler‐generated code only if the
register is used and modified within the ISR.
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Typical myths of program size 4
What about moving to 16bit
16‐bit microcontrollers can be efficient in handling 16‐bit integers and 8‐bit data (e.g. strings)
however the code size is still not as optimal as using 32‐bit processors:
‐ Handling of 32‐bit data: if the application requires handling of any long integer (32‐bit) or
floating point types then the efficiency of 16‐bit processors is greatly reduced because
multiple instructions are required for each processing operation, as well as data transfers
between the processor and the memory.
‐ Register usage: When processing 32‐bit data, 16‐bit processors requires two registers to
hold each 32‐bit variable. This reduces the number of variables that can be held in the
register bank, hence reducing processing speed as well as increasing stack operations and
memory accesses.
‐ Memory addressing mode: Many 16‐bit architectures provide only basic addressing modes
similar to 8‐bit architectures. As a result, the code density is poor when they are used in
applications that require processing of complex data sets.
‐ 64K bytes limitation: Many 16‐bit processors are limited to 64K bytes of addressable
memory reducing the functionality of the application. Some 16‐bit architectures have
extensions to allow more than 64K bytes of memory to be accessed, however, these
extensions have an instruction code and clock cycle overhead, for example, a memory
pointer would be larger than 16‐bits and might require multiple instructions and multiple
registers to process it.
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Instruction Set efficiency 5
Instruction Set efficiency
When customers port their applications from 8‐bit architecture to ARM Cortex microcontrollers,
they very often find that the total code has dramatically decreased. For example, when Melfas (a
leading company in capacitive sensing touch screen controllers) evaluated the Cortex‐M0 processor,
they found that the Cortex‐M0 program size was less than half of that of the 8051 and, at the same
time, delivered five times more performance at the same clock frequency. This, for example, could
enable them to run the application at 1/5 clock speed of the equivalent 8051 product, reducing the
power consumption, and lowering product cost at the same time due to a smaller program flash size
So how does ARM architecture provide such big advantages? The key factor is Thumb‐2 technology
which provides a highly efficient unified instruction set.
Powerful Addressing mode
The ARM Cortex microcontrollers support a number of addressing modes for memory transfer
instructions. For example:
‐ Immediate offset (Address = Register value + offset)
‐ Register offset ((Address = Register value 1 + shifted(Register value 2))
‐ PC related (Address = Current PC value + offset)
‐ Stack pointer related (Address = SP + offset)
‐ Multiple register load and store, with optional automatic base address update
‐ PUSH/POP instructions with multiple registers
As a result of these various addressing modes, data transfer between registers and memory can be
handled with fewer instructions. Since the PUSH and POP instructions support multiple registers, in
most cases, saving and restoring of registers in a function call will only need one PUSH in the
beginning of function and one POP at the end of the function. The POP can even be combined with
the return instruction at the end of function to further reduce the instruction count.
Conditional branches
Almost all processors provide conditional branch instructions however ARM processors provide
improved conditional branching by having separated branch conditions for signed and unsigned data
operation results, and providing a good branch range.
For example, when comparing the conditional branches of the Cortex‐M0 and MSP430, the Cortex‐
M0 has more branch conditions available, making it possible to generate more compact code no
matter whether the data being process is signed or unsigned. The MSP430 conditional branches
might require multiple instructions to get the same operations.
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Instruction Set efficiency 6
Generally the same situation applies to many 8‐bit or 16‐bit microcontrollers ‐ when dealing with
signed data, additional steps might also be required in the conditional branch.
In addition to the branch instructions available in the Cortex‐M0, the Cortex‐M3 processor also
supports compare‐and‐branch instructions (CBZ and CBNZ). This further simplifies some of the
conditional branch instruction sequence.
Conditional Execution
Another area that allows the ARM Cortex‐M3 microcontrollers to have more compact code is the
conditional execution feature. The Cortex‐M3 supports an instruction called IT (IF‐THEN). This
instruction allows up to 4 subsequent instructions to be conditionally executed reducing the need
for additional branches. For example,
if (xpos1 < xpos2) { x1 = xpos1;
x2 = xpos2;
} else {
x1 = xpos2;
x2 = xpos1;
This can be converted to the following assembly code (needs 12 bytes in the Cortex‐M3):
CMP R0, R1
ITTEE CC ; if unsigned “<”
Other architectures might need an additional branch (e.g. needs 14 bytes in MSP430):
CMP.W R14, R13
JGE Label1 ; if unsigned “<”
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Instruction Set efficiency 7
MOV.W R11, R14
MOV.W R12, R13
JMP Label2
MOV.W R11, R13
MOV.W R12, R14
This results in an extra two bytes for the MSP430 when compared to Cortex‐M3.
Multiply and Divide
Both the Cortex‐M0 and Cortex‐M3 processors support single cycle multiply operations. The Cortex‐
M3 also has multiply and multiply‐accumulate instructions for 32‐bit or 64‐bit results. These
instructions greatly reduce the code size required when handling multiplication of large variables.
Most other 8‐bit and 16‐bit microcontrollers also have multiply instructions however the limitation
of the register size often means that the multiplication requires multiple steps, if the result needs to
be more than 8 or 16 bits.
The MSP430 does not have multiply instruction (MSP430 document slaa329, reference 1). To carry
out multiplication either a memory mapped hardware multiplier is used, or the multiply operation
has to be handled by software using add and shift. Even if a hardware multiplier is present the
memory mapped nature of the multiplier results in the additional overhead of transferring data to
and from the external hardware. In addition, using the multiplier within an interrupt handler could
cause existing data in the multiplier to be lost. As a result, interrupts are usually disabled before a
multiply operation and the interrupt is re‐enabled after multiplication is completed. This adds
additional software overhead and affects interrupt latency and determinism.
The Cortex‐M3 processor also has unsigned and signed integer divide instructions. This reduces the
code size required in applications that need to perform integer division because there is no need for
the C library to include a function for handling divide operations.
Powerful instruction set
In additional to the standard data processing, memory access and program control instructions, the
Cortex microcontrollers also support a number of other instructions to help data type conversion.
The Cortex‐M3 processor also supports a number of bit field operations reducing the software
overhead in, for example, peripheral control and communication data processing.
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Breaking the 64K byte memory barrier 8
Breaking the 64K byte memory barrier
As already mentioned, many 8‐bit and 16‐bit microcontrollers are limited to 64k bytes addressable
memory. Due to the nature of 8‐bit and 16‐bit microcontroller architecture, the coding efficiency of
these microcontrollers often decreases dramatically when the application exceeds the 64k byte
memory barrier. In 8‐bit and 16‐bit microcontrollers (e.g. 8051, PIC24, C166) this is often handled by
memory bank switching or memory segmentation with the switching code generated automatically
by the C compilers. Every time a function or data in a different memory page is required bank
switching code would be needed and hence further increases the program size.
Figure 2: Increase code size overhead of memory bank switching or segmentation in 8‐bit and 16‐bit
The memory bank switching not only creates larger code but it also greatly reduces the performance
of a system. This is especially the case if the data being processed is on different memory bank (e.g.
copying a block of data from one page to another page can be very costly in terms of performance.)
This is particularly inefficient for 8‐bit microcontrollers like the 8051 because the MCS‐51
architecture does not have proper support for such a memory bank switching feature. Therefore
memory switching has to be carried out by saving and updating memory bank control like
I/O port registers. In addition, the memory page switching code usually has to be carried out
in a congested shared memory space with limited size. At the same time some of the
memory pages might not be fully utilized and memory space is wasted.
For the 8‐bit and 16‐bit microcontrollers that support memory of over 64k this often comes at a
price. The MSP430X design overcomes the 64K bytes memory barrier by increasing the Program
Counter (PC) and register width to 20‐bits. Despite no memory paging being involved, the sizes of
some MSP430X instructions are considerably larger than the original MSP430. For example, when
the large memory model is used, a double operand formatted instruction can take 8 bytes rather
than 6 (a 33% increases):
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Examples 9
15 12 11 8
Rsrc Ad
4 3 0
Source or destination 15:0
Destination 15:0
MSP430 Double
15 12 11 8
Rsrc Ad
4 3 0
Source or destination 15:0
Destination 15:0
Double Operand
00011 Source 19:16 Destination
A/L Rsrv 19:16
Figure 3: Support of larger memory system increases the size of some instructions in MSP430X
Apart from the size of the instruction itself, the use of the 20‐bit addressing also increases the
number of stack operations required. Since the memory is only 16‐bit, the saving of a 20‐bit address
pointer will need two stack push operations, resulting in extra instructions and poor utilization of the
stack memory.
Figure 4: Use of large memory data model in MSP430X increases code size
As a result, an MSP430X application has a lower code density when the large memory model is used,
which is required when the address range exceeds the 64k range.
In ARM Cortex microcontrollers, 32‐bit linear addressing is used to provide 4GB of memory space for
embedded applications. Therefore there is no paging overhead and the programming model is easy
to use.
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Examples 10
To demonstrate the code size compared to 8‐bit and 16‐bit processors, a number of test cases are
compiled and illustrated here. The tests are based on “MSP430 Competitive Benchmark” document
from Texas instruments (SLAA205C, reference 2). The results listed here show total program
memory size in bytes.
MSP430 results:
The tests listed are compiled using IAR Embedded Workbench 4.20.1 with hardware
multipler enabled, optimization level set to “High” with “Size” optimization. Unless specified,
the “Small” data model is used and type double is 32‐bit. The results are obtained at linker
output report (CODE+CONST).
ARM Cortex processor results:
The tests listed are compiled using RealView Development Suite 4.0‐SP2. Optimization level
is 3 for size, minimal vector table, and MicroLIB is used. The results are obtained at linker
output report (VECTORS + CODE).
Test Generic
MSP430F5438 MSP430F5438
large data
Math8bit 198 198 202 144
Math16bit 144 144 144 144
Math32bit 256 244 256 120
MathFloat 1122 1122 1162 600
Matrix2dim8bit 180 178 196 184
Matrix2dim16bit 268 246 290 256
Matrixmult 276 228 (linker error) 228
Switch8bit 200 218 218 160
Switch16bit 198 218 218 160
Firfilter(Note 1) 1202 1170 1222 716 (820
Dhry 923 893 1079 900
Whet(Note 2) 6434 6308 6614 4384(8496
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Examples 11
Note 1: The constant data array in the Firfilter test is modified to use 16‐bit data type on the Cortex‐
M processor (const unsigned short int INPUT[]).
Note 2: When certain math functions are used (sin, cos, atan,sqrt, exp, log) in the ARM C standard
the double precision libraries are used by default. This can result in significantly larger program size
unless adjustments are made. In order to achieve an equivalent comparison, the program code is
edited so that single precision versions are used (sinf, cosf, atanf, sqrtd, expf, logf). Also, some of
the constant definitions have been adjusted to single precision (e.g. 1.0 becomes 1.0F).
Figure 5 : Code size comparison for basic operations
The total size for simple tests (integer math, matrix and switch tests) are:
Summary for simple
Generic MSP430 MSP430F5438 Cortex‐M3
Total size (bytes) 1720 1674 1396
Advantage (% smaller) ‐ 2.6% 18.8%
For applications using floating point, there us a signicant advantage for Cortex microcontrollers.,
whereas Dhrystone program size is closer.
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Examples 12
Figure 6: Code size comparison for floating point operations and benchmark suites
The total size for benchmark and floating point tests (Dhrystone, Whetstone, Firfilter and MathFloat)
Summary for simple
Generic MSP430 MSP430F5438 Cortex‐M3
Total size (bytes) 9681 9493 6600
Advantage (% smaller) ‐ 1.9% 31.8%
1. From the results, we can see that the Cortex microcontrollers have better code density
compared to MSP430 in most cases. The remaining tests show similar code density when
compared to MSP430.
2. One of the tests (firfilter) uses an integer data type for a constant array. Since an integer is
32‐bit in the ARM processor and is 16‐bit on MSP 430, the program has been modified to
allow a direct comparison.
3. When the large data memory model is used with MSP430, the code size increases by up to
20% (dhrystone).
4. We are unable to reproduce all of the claimed results in the Texas Instruments document.
This may be because the storage of constant data in ROM might have been omitted from
their code size calculations.
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Additional investigation on floating point 13
Additional investigation on floating point
When analysing the results of the whetstone benchmark it became apparent that the MSP430 C
compiler only generated single precision floating operations, while the ARM C compiler generated
double precision operations for some of the math functions used.
After changing the code to use only single precision floating points the code size reduced
dramatically and resulted in much smaller code size than the MSP430 code size.
The IAR MSP430 compiler has an option to define floating point : “Size of type double” which is by
default set to 32‐bit (single precision). If it is set to 64‐bit (as in ARM C compiler), the code size
increased significantly.
Program size Generic MSP430 MSP430430F5438
Type Double is 32‐bit 6434 6308
Type Double is 64‐bit 11510 11798
These results match those seen for the ARM Cortex‐M3 processor.
Program size Cortex‐M3
Whetstone modified to use single precision only 4384
Out of box compile for whetstone (use double
precision for math functions)
The option of setting type double to 32‐bit is quite sensible for small microcontroller applications
where the C code might only need to process source data generated from 12‐bit/14‐bit ADC.
Benchmarking using different default types can make a very big difference and not show accurate
comparative results.
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Recommendations on how to get the smallest
code size with Cortex‐M microcontrollers
Recommendations on how to get the smallest code size with CortexM
Use MicroLib
In the ARM development tools there is an option to use the area optimized MicroLIB rather than the
standard C libraries. The MicroLIB is suitable for most embedded applications and has a much
smaller code size when compared to the standard C library.
Ensure the use of area optimizations
The performance of Cortex‐M microcontrollers is much higher than that of 16‐bit and 8‐bit
microcontrollers so when porting applications from these microcontrollers you can generally select
the highest area optimization rather than selecting optimizations for speed. The resulting
performance will still be much higher than that of a 16‐bit or 8‐bit system running at the same clock
Use the right data type
When porting applications from 8‐bit or 16‐bit microcontrollers, you might need to modify the data
type for constant arrays to achieve the most optimal program size. For example, an integer is
normally 16‐bit in 8‐bit and 16‐bit microcontrollers, while in ARM microcontrollers integers are 32‐
Type Number of bits in
Number of bits in
Number of bits in ARM
“char”, “unsigned char” 8 8 8
“enum” 8/16 16 8/16/32 (smallest is
“short”, “unsigned short” 16 16 16
“int”, “unsigned int” 16 16 32
“long”, “unsigned long” 32 32 32
float 32 32 32
double 32 32 64
When porting a constant array of integers from an 8‐bit or 16‐bit architecture, you should modify
the data type from “int” to “short int” to make sure the constant array remains the same size. For
const int mydata = { 1234, 5678, …};
This should be changed to:
const short int mydata = { 1234, 5678, …};
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Recommendations on how to get the smallest
code size with Cortex‐M microcontrollers
For an array of integer variables (non‐constant data), changing from an integer to a short integer
might also prevent an increase in memory usage during software porting. Most other data (e.g.
variables) does not require modification.
Floating point functions
Some floating point functions are defined as single precision in 8‐bit or 16‐bit microcontrollers and
are by default defined as double precision in ARM microcontrollers, as we have found out with the
whetstone test analysis. When porting application code from 8‐bit or 16‐bit microcontrollers to an
ARM microcontroller, you might have to adjust math functions to single precision versions and
modify constant definitions to ensure that the program behaves in the same way. For example, in
the whetstone program code, a section of code uses some math functions that are double precision
in ARM compilers:
If we want to use single precision only, the program code has to be changed to
Other constant definitions such as:
/* Module 7: Procedure calls */
X = 1.0;
Y = 1.0;
Z = 1.0;
should to be changed to the following for single precision representation:
/* Module 7: Procedure calls */
X = 1.0F;
Y = 1.0F;
Z = 1.0F;
Define peripherals as data structure
You can also reduce program size by defining registers in peripherals as a data structure. For
example, instead of representing the SysTick timer registers as
#define SYSTICK_CTRL (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000E010)))
#define SYSTICK_LOAD (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000E014)))
#define SYSTICK_VAL (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000E018)))
#define SYSTICK_CALIB (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000E01C)))
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Conclusions 16
you can define the SysTick registers as:
typedef struct
volatile unsigned int CTRL;
volatile unsigned int LOAD;
volatile unsigned int VAL;
unsigned int CALIB;
} SysTick_Type;
#define SysTick ((SysTick_Type *) 0xE000E010)
By doing this, you only need one address constant to be stored in the program ROM. The register
accesses will be using this address constant with different address offsets for different registers. If a
sequence of hardware register accesses is required for a peripheral, using a data structure can
reduce code size as well as improve performance. Most 8‐bit microcontrollers do not have the same
addressing mode feature which can result in a much larger code size for the same task.
32‐bit processors provide equal or more often better code size than 8‐bit and 16‐bit architectures
whilst at the same time delivering much better performance.
For users of 8‐bit microcontrollers, moving to a 16‐bit architecture can solve some of the inherent
problems with 8‐bit architectures, however, the overall benefits of migrating from 8‐bit to 16‐bit is
much less than that achieved by migrating to the 32‐bit Cortex processors.
As the power consumption and cost of 32‐bit microcontrollers has reduced dramatically over last
few years, 32‐bit processors have become the best choice for many embedded projects.
The following articles on MSP430 are referenced:
1 MSP430 Competitive Benchmarking
2 Efficient Multiplication and Division Using MSP430
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
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