Monday, February 27, 2012 · 0 comments

ujian nasional sudah berada didepan mata bagi anak Sekolah Menengah Atas atau SMA. Ujian Nasional akan dilaksanakan bulan April nanti jika tidak ada perubahan tetapi isu yang beredar Ujian Nasional 2012 untuk SMA tidak berubah. ujian sudah dekat tetapi apakah kamu sudah siap untuk menghadapi ujian nasional. siap gag siap ya harus mengikuti Ujian Nasional. ini ada tips agar kamu dapat belajar dengan cepat dalam waktu sebulan dan paham dengan materi pelajaran.

Similar disputes iPad Could Happen in Indonesia


Apple has threatened not to sell the iPad anywhere in the world because it uses the trademark iPad, which is claimed is owned by another company. In Indonesia, there are at least two similar cases, which are experienced by HTC Corporation and Intel Corporation.

Of course, cases in Indonesia is different from that experienced by Apple in China. But interesting to see what kind of cases that have been passed by HTC and Intel.

Apple iPad name used was sued by a Chinese technology company called Proview International Holdings Ltd..

In Indonesia, High Tech Computer (HTC) Corporation had a dispute with the brand HTC, a local company owned by Vincent Siswanto.

Apparently in the judicial process in the Central Jakarta Commercial Court in mid-2010, the judge decided in favor of plaintiff (HTC Corp) entirely.

Consideration the judge said, smartphone manufacturers from Taipei was able to prove the rightful owner of the HTC brand.

It can be seen that the HTC brand has been registered in 108 countries around the world, such as the United States, Canada, Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, and some countries in Southeast Asia.

In addition, the judges assess Siswanto Vincent's HTC brand has similarities principally under the brand HTC's HTC Corp.

Therefore, according to Judge Vincent's HTC brand registration under the stars. IDM000218952 dated October 5, 2009 based on bad faith that is piggybacking on the fame that raises unfair competition.

Vincent HTC brand registered on January 21, 2008 and obtain a certificate No. IDM000218952 dated October 5, 2009 to protect the type of class 9 goods. Form of optical instruments, tools portrait, power cables, flash disk, USB, VCD Player, DVD Player and video game player.

In Indonesia, HTC Corporation has registered four brands since 2007. Registration is to protect the types of goods mobile phones, video phones, smartphones, slim computers, cameras, and others.

HTC Mobile Marketing Communication Indonesia Neni reluctant to explain the chronology of the dispute Rengganis brand. And choose transfer the case to the attorney of the company.

Intel Corporation Dispute

The case is long enough in the settlement of disputes by brand Intel Corporation PT Stage Electronic.

His case is located in the Intel trademark. Disputed by Intel Corporation Intel is a trademark registration No. 363 073, 363 075, 363076,363077,363078 registered in the name of PT stage.

Intel brand owned by PT Performance Brands registered in the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights Department of Justice and Human Rights for the goods shelves for audio, refrigerator, freezer, electronic equipment in the field of medicine, electric water pumps, mixers, blenders, and others.

While Intel's brand of Intel Corporation are listed for the product in the field of computer, communications, networking, electronic goods and the Internet Brand is synonymous with technology, quality, reliability.

The case began in 1993 when Intel Corporation filed for cancellation of trademark registration Intel, which is registered by the PT stage.

On September 1993, the Central Jakarta District Court decided Intel is not a famous trademark, so the lawsuit against PT Stage rejected.

"Intel Indonesia has resolved the issue properly," said Head of Public Relations Intel Indonesia Dhyoti R. Basuki. The Intel declined to elaborate further how the settlement.

Brand new dispute case was completed in 2009, nearly 15 years after the 1993 lawsuit. Trademark dispute settled by a peace deal between the two companies.

Well, what about the Apple vs Proview. Will the iPad trademark dispute case is finished with a peace agreement, or both should continue to "fight" in court?

Bingung milih universitas? Galau nentuin? Bikin deg2an? Gag bisa konsen belajar karenanya? Ini solusinya


Buat anak-anak SMA yang ingin melanjutkan kuliah pasti bingung memilih universitas mana yang akan dipilih. Yang membuat bingung adalah kita diterima atau tidak saat mendaftar di universitas tersebut, takut kalau mendaftar di universitas yang keren dan banyak peminatnya. galau milih universitas, jadi sedih bingung milih universitas pokoknya dunia jadi menyedihkan banget.Jangan takut gitu karena sebelum mencoba belum tahu hasilnya. So jangan pernah takut mencoba mendaftar ke universitas keren seperti UGM,UI,UINDIP,ITB,IPB,dll.

Ini ada sedikit cerita nyata saat q menjadi seorang anak SMA. Ada temenku yang setiap tugas, PR, ulangan selalu menyotek punya temen. Dia tidak pernah mengerjakan sama sekali, pokoknya malas abisss.. sampai mau UN pun tidak belajar malah main game online diwarnet, habis UN juga maen game. Bisa dibilang tidak niat belajar dan sekolah..hhha..

Pas kelulusan dia juga lulus walau tidak dengan nilai yang bagus tapi ya lulus, yang penting lulus. Kemarin kan jalur masuk universitas kan ada dua jalur yaitu SNMPTN jalur undangan dan tertulis. Dan saya ketrima jalur undangan di universitas di Semarang. Tetapi temenku tidak ktrima. Ini mungkin memang jalan hidupnya (sok bijaksana..hhaha). tahu gag kalau temenku yang selalu bertitle malas belajar, sering kena marah guru karena gag pernah tobat untuk belajar ketrima di fakultas dokter hewan UGM. Padahal lewat jalur tertulis lho… gag Cuma dia aja yang ketrima di universitas favorit tetapi banyak sekali temenku yang ditrima..

Dari pengalam diatas kita dapat mengambil hikmah kalau apa yang kita peroleh di SMA hanya sebatas pengetahuan tetapi jalan hidup kita hanya kita yang menentukan. So jangan menyerah dulu..

google adsense tidak sama dengan bisnis MLM

Saturday, February 25, 2012 · 0 comments

google adsense merupakan program iklan yang dimiliki oleh google. kita dapat menghasilkan uang dengan memasang iklan yang disebut google ads di blog kita, bisa kedalam blogspot, webbly, knol, dkk. konsepnya adalah sebagai berikut

  • kita membuat suatu blog, misalnya blogspot. kita beri 10 postingan untuk mendaftar ke google adsense. tapi perlu diingat bahwa umur blog harus 1 bulan lebih. atau gag ya dipostkan dengan waktu mundur.
  • kalau lewat blogspot, cara mendaftar memlalui menu yang ada di blogspot. kamu ke dasbor terus klik menuny pilih pengahasilan/ monetize
  • isi semua form yang diperlukan. kalau pribadi ya pilih individual. jangan sampai alamat rumah kita pernah didaftarkan adsense sebelumnya karena akan langsung ditolak.
  • ikuti semua langkah yang google berikan.
google adsense berbeda dengan bisnis MLM karena uang yang kita dapat merupakan hasil dari bagi hasil dari iklan yang diklik oleh pengunjung. istilahnya ya adsense memberi komisi atas tempat yang kita sediakan di blog.
sedangkan MLM hanya mencari orang untuk ikut dalam bisnis. kita langsung dapat uang. tanpa adanya hubungan timbal balik sama sekali. adsense sepertinya lebih valid kegiatannya daripada Bisnis MLM yang tak jelas alurnya.

BEASISWA 2012-2013 : beasiswa tahun 2012 DATAPRINT untuk SMA/MAHASISWA

Friday, February 24, 2012 · 0 comments

beasiswa untuk SMA/MAHASISWA

Persyaratan Umum:
1.  Pelajar/mahasiswa aktif dari tingkat SMP hingga perguruan tinggi untuk jenjang D3/S1
2.  Terlibat aktif di kegiatan atau organisasi sekolah/perguruan tinggi
3.  Tidak terlibat narkoba atau pernah melakukan tindak kriminal
4.  Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari perusahaan lain. Jika saat ini peserta masih menerima beasiswa dari kampus, peserta berhak mengikuti pendaftaran beasiswa dari DataPrint.

tips bagi kamu setelah lulus kuliah

Thursday, February 23, 2012 · 0 comments

bingung mikirin pekerjaan apa yang ingin anda cari setelah lulus kuliah? ini ada sedikit tips untuk mu setelah lulus kuliah. pasti bangga seklai jika lulus kuliah dengan IPK Cumloud alias sangat membanggakan. setelah itu baru pikirkan pekerjaan. tips setelah lulus kuliah.

  • cari deh pekerjaan yang ada disekitarmu dulu. yang paling dekat misal aja satu kota/kabupaten atau gag ya luar kota yang paling dekat.
  • cari pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan bidangmu. kalau misal kuliahnya ambil informatika dan komputer pekerjaannya ambil yang TI, misal pegawai telkom, dll.
  • cari pekerjaan yang sesuai bentuk badan, biar gag sakit2an saat bekerja. gag mau kan kerja jadi kuli bangunan...hahahha
  • kalau gag dapet pekerjaan ya wirausaha sendiri

When Animals Go Down Mount

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 · 0 comments

The story of the animals that ran down toward the volcanic eruption is often a natural marker for local people to evacuate.Research Head of Volcanology and Disaster Mitigation in Kelud Surono scientifically explain about the animals that come down the mountain before the eruption.

Giyono (71) for most of her life in charge of monitoring the activity of Mount Kelud. He served in the post in the village monitoring Kelud Sugihwaras, Kediri, East Java. It has been four times he witnessed the eruption of Kelud, namely 1956, 1966, 1990, and 2007. According to his testimony, before Kelud erupted, the animals ran down the mountain. "Usually, snakes and deer down before Kelud erupts," he said.

Geologists Geological Museum, Indyo Pratomo, also witnessed the animal down before the eruption of Mount Kelud on February 10, 1990. On December 1989, Indyo who was researching for his dissertation at the University of interests Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, France, witnessed the python that comes out of the nest and arrested people on the slopes of Kelud.

In fact, in late December, the Indyo and his partner, vulcanologist from the University of Savoie, France, Jean Van de Meulbreuck, and Khairul Huda, postal officials monitoring Kelud, stung by hundreds of wasps bangbara (Xylocopa spp)-wasps NDAs, in the Java language - the rage for no reason. At that time, they were in the tunnel, not far from the crater of Kelud. "Wasps is such confusion and anger to anyone who is nearby without cause," he said. Indyo and two colleagues to be admitted to hospital with hundreds of wasp's sting.

On the other mountains, a similar story also mentioned the witnesses. So far, the story of the fall of the animals from the volcano before the eruption is often used as a sign of local communities to contribute to evacuate. Animals are considered to have a "sixth sense" that can detect something that humans can not be touched.


For Head of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Surono, this phenomenon could be explained scientifically.Towards Kelud eruption in 1990, Surono acoustic monitoring equipment installed on the mountain for the sake of his dissertation at the University of Grenoble, France. He put up a tool to monitor low-frequency sound waves (0.1 to 50 Hertz / Hz), intermediate frequency (200 Hz-5000 Hz) and high frequency (above 15 kHz).

"I posted three frequency detector to determine the mechanisms that occur in the body when its activity increased Kelud," he said.Towards Kelud erupted in 1990, the mountain is very calm and quiet of the earthquake so that the required indicators, namely the sound.

"Before the volcano erupted, there is the fluid pressure (can be a gas, vapor, or magma) that drives the stopper of the mountain," he said. However, this pressure can still hold the stopper of the mountain. The rocks also have a certain elasticity of power. When pressed, he will flex before the point will be broken.Encouragement of high pressure that hit the mountain is what is causing the plug high-frequency noise heard only the sound of certain animals. "It was then that animals can not stand the noise of it running down from the mountain," said Surono.

With high-frequency sound can be heard is not the only man able to hear sounds with a frequency of 20 Hz-20 kHz. In contrast to animals, such as bats or bees, which can capture sounds with frequencies up to above 100 kHz. When later, the rock is perforated stopper, then an eruption will occur. So, when the animals began to come down the mountain, can be regarded as a marker of the mountain will erupt.

From his research, Surono find, high-frequency noise starts to increase at December 16, 1989, then jumped high and reached its maximum on December 28, 1989, then constant since January 10, 1990. By matching data from Indyo Pratomo stung by wasps in late December, Surono conclusion, the strange behavior of animals was due to increases in high frequency in the mountain.

On January 16, 1990, the high frequency is then decreased rapidly, which indicates the stopper is broken and finally Kelud erupted on February 10, 1990. At the high-frequency sound down, the rocks have been cracked. Earthquake volcanic rocks appears as already experienced fractures, coupled with increasing low-frequency acoustic pressure.

Acoustic indicator

According to Surono, acoustic or sound detectors could be an alternative tool in monitoring volcanoes with crater lakes, particularly the activity Kelud kegempaannya less. "In the water, just a wave of press that can run. Shear waves and the other can not be spread on the water. That's why acoustic important indicator mounted on a volcano that has a crater lake, "he said.

However, according to Surono, not all of the mountain which has a crater lake can be installed this tool. "Crater Lake that there can not be fitted with a fish because it will disturb the fish," he said. In Indonesia, according to Surono, in addition to success at the time Kelud erupted in 1990, this acoustic instrument has not been applied in other mountains. "When Kelud crisis in 2007, the tool I was actually broken," he said.

For a while, the animal can still be used as one indicator of increased volcanic activity is most easily viewed by the public.

"The problem is, many animals that have been hunted Kelud," said Giyono.

Therefore, according to Surono, not to be fooled and do not want people displaced by the eruption of Kelud ahead, no more animals down the mountain. Moreover, an indicator of the decline of these animals is also just one of many ways to detect an increase in volcanic activity, such as the increase in volcanic earthquakes, volcanic body changes, and increased water temperature of the crater.

When Animals Go Down Mount


The story of the animals that ran down toward the volcanic eruption is often a natural marker for local people to evacuate.Research Head of Volcanology and Disaster Mitigation in Kelud Surono scientifically explain about the animals that come down the mountain before the eruption.

Giyono (71) for most of her life in charge of monitoring the activity of Mount Kelud. He served in the post in the village monitoring Kelud Sugihwaras, Kediri, East Java. It has been four times he witnessed the eruption of Kelud, namely 1956, 1966, 1990, and 2007. According to his testimony, before Kelud erupted, the animals ran down the mountain. "Usually, snakes and deer down before Kelud erupts," he said.

Geologists Geological Museum, Indyo Pratomo, also witnessed the animal down before the eruption of Mount Kelud on February 10, 1990. On December 1989, Indyo who was researching for his dissertation at the University of interests Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, France, witnessed the python that comes out of the nest and arrested people on the slopes of Kelud.

In fact, in late December, the Indyo and his partner, vulcanologist from the University of Savoie, France, Jean Van de Meulbreuck, and Khairul Huda, postal officials monitoring Kelud, stung by hundreds of wasps bangbara (Xylocopa spp)-wasps NDAs, in the Java language - the rage for no reason. At that time, they were in the tunnel, not far from the crater of Kelud. "Wasps is such confusion and anger to anyone who is nearby without cause," he said. Indyo and two colleagues to be admitted to hospital with hundreds of wasp's sting.

On the other mountains, a similar story also mentioned the witnesses. So far, the story of the fall of the animals from the volcano before the eruption is often used as a sign of local communities to contribute to evacuate. Animals are considered to have a "sixth sense" that can detect something that humans can not be touched.


For Head of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Surono, this phenomenon could be explained scientifically.Towards Kelud eruption in 1990, Surono acoustic monitoring equipment installed on the mountain for the sake of his dissertation at the University of Grenoble, France. He put up a tool to monitor low-frequency sound waves (0.1 to 50 Hertz / Hz), intermediate frequency (200 Hz-5000 Hz) and high frequency (above 15 kHz).

"I posted three frequency detector to determine the mechanisms that occur in the body when its activity increased Kelud," he said.Towards Kelud erupted in 1990, the mountain is very calm and quiet of the earthquake so that the required indicators, namely the sound.

"Before the volcano erupted, there is the fluid pressure (can be a gas, vapor, or magma) that drives the stopper of the mountain," he said. However, this pressure can still hold the stopper of the mountain. The rocks also have a certain elasticity of power. When pressed, he will flex before the point will be broken.Encouragement of high pressure that hit the mountain is what is causing the plug high-frequency noise heard only the sound of certain animals. "It was then that animals can not stand the noise of it running down from the mountain," said Surono.

With high-frequency sound can be heard is not the only man able to hear sounds with a frequency of 20 Hz-20 kHz. In contrast to animals, such as bats or bees, which can capture sounds with frequencies up to above 100 kHz. When later, the rock is perforated stopper, then an eruption will occur. So, when the animals began to come down the mountain, can be regarded as a marker of the mountain will erupt.

From his research, Surono find, high-frequency noise starts to increase at December 16, 1989, then jumped high and reached its maximum on December 28, 1989, then constant since January 10, 1990. By matching data from Indyo Pratomo stung by wasps in late December, Surono conclusion, the strange behavior of animals was due to increases in high frequency in the mountain.

On January 16, 1990, the high frequency is then decreased rapidly, which indicates the stopper is broken and finally Kelud erupted on February 10, 1990. At the high-frequency sound down, the rocks have been cracked. Earthquake volcanic rocks appears as already experienced fractures, coupled with increasing low-frequency acoustic pressure.

Acoustic indicator

According to Surono, acoustic or sound detectors could be an alternative tool in monitoring volcanoes with crater lakes, particularly the activity Kelud kegempaannya less. "In the water, just a wave of press that can run. Shear waves and the other can not be spread on the water. That's why acoustic important indicator mounted on a volcano that has a crater lake, "he said.

However, according to Surono, not all of the mountain which has a crater lake can be installed this tool. "Crater Lake that there can not be fitted with a fish because it will disturb the fish," he said. In Indonesia, according to Surono, in addition to success at the time Kelud erupted in 1990, this acoustic instrument has not been applied in other mountains. "When Kelud crisis in 2007, the tool I was actually broken," he said.

For a while, the animal can still be used as one indicator of increased volcanic activity is most easily viewed by the public.

"The problem is, many animals that have been hunted Kelud," said Giyono.

Therefore, according to Surono, not to be fooled and do not want people displaced by the eruption of Kelud ahead, no more animals down the mountain. Moreover, an indicator of the decline of these animals is also just one of many ways to detect an increase in volcanic activity, such as the increase in volcanic earthquakes, volcanic body changes, and increased water temperature of the crater.

Threat of Flood Water "Aki" of Ijen


 This time the acid flow Banyuputih has undermined the health of the Village Pillows, District Asembagus, Situbondo, East Java.Greater calamity could happen if Mount Ijen is the source of Kali Banyuputih erupted and spilled water flood "battery". Hulu Sungai Banyupahit so quiet. There was no splash of fish or insects. In fact, the algae were unable to grow on the rocky bottom of the river, which flows almost without stopping it.

Life is almost abstruse present in the upstream river bounded by the walls of the crater of Mount Ijen it. Water acidity (pH) in the upstream river reaches Banyupahit 0.8 (neutral pH 7) to make it like a flowing river water toxic to life. "From Banyupahit, acidic water is then channeled to the river Banyuputih, who previously met with Sun River water and the air-Sengon neutral pH," says researcher Technology Development Center of Investigation and Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta, Sri Sumarti, beginning November 2011. "In Banyuputih water acidity range 3-4." That evening, Sri indicate acidic water traveling from the crater down to the River Banyuputih, which for many years to poison thousands of citizens of the Village Pillows, District Asembagus, Situbondo, East Java.


Sri said the acid in river water levels are caused by water seepage Banyupahit Ijen crater. "There are parts of the crater lake that is not water that seeps out of the lake," said Sri examining the Ijen crater since 1996. "Seepage was then emerging as a source of water for the River Banyupahit." Seepage water from the crater of Ijen, according to Sri, occurred at an altitude of 1850 masl.

However, according to Stephanie Palmer, in his thesis statement "Hydrogeochemistry of the upper Banyu Bitter River valley, volcano crater" (2008), pollution of the River Banyupahit nothing to do with the leaking of Ijen crater. The conclusion was made after identifying three springs in the upper Banyupahit acid. He then compared the chemical composition of the water.

The first springs located to the west of the crater, according to Palmer, the seepage of water leakage crater at an altitude of 2090 meters above sea level with a pH of less than 1. At this location, spread gypsum fields that are the result of water meeting acid reaction with limestone rocks. However, the flow of these springs disappeared into the ground.

Other springs at an altitude of 2075 meters above sea level and has a water content of the crater. This water flowed on the surface only for a moment, then returned to seep into the ground. Acidic springs are the lowest third (1975 masl) and marked with yellow-green water. Palmer argues, the spring water was not associated with Ijen crater on the grounds of different chemical composition of water with the water of the crater.

The first spring seepage water contains 95 percent of the crater and 5 percent of groundwater. The third spring that has a 15.4 liter per second discharge is a product of hydrothermal, magma activity results are not related to Mount Ijen crater with water."Banyupahit get acid water from this spring, instead of 'leakage' of water of the crater as the assumption for this," he said.

Acidic springs that is what, according to Palmer, then contaminate Banyupahit and Banyuputih. Meanwhile, two other acidic springs that flow into the Earth dissipate its impact is unknown because no contact with surface water.

Ijen Crater

From any source of water and acid in Banyupahit Banyuputih, Ijen complex activity is concerned. The biggest threat in the form of breakdown Ijen crater lake that holds 30 million cubic meters of acidic water with pH from 0 to 0.8. If it touched the skin may itch, and even blisters.

Has a length of 800 meters and 700 meters wide with a depth of 180 meters, Ijen crater lake is one of the largest in the world of aqueous acid. In the other hemisphere, a number of acidic springs at Mount Poas in Costa Rica. In New Zealand, Ruapehu volcano activity polluting the Whangaehu River.

Sri Sumarti said the crater of Mount Ijen (2346 masl) is located on the eastern edge of the ancient caldera Ijen, which formed about 50,000 years ago. Previously, Mount Ijen ancient conical altitude 3500 meters above sea level. Bottom of the crater of Mount Ijen is impermeable to water accommodated and eventually form a crater lake. "On the other mountains, such as Kelud, potentially acidic water formed. However, because the mountain was erupting frequently, have not had time to form acidic eruptions have occurred, "he said.

In contrast to the rare eruption of Mount Ijen. As a result, gas water forming acids, such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), chlorine (Cl), fluorine (F), and hydrochloric acid (HCl), continues to accumulate. "If these elements react with water for hundreds of years, will be the acid water," said Sri.

Highly acidic water that resembles a battery acid which is the biggest threat of Mount Ijen. "Ijen not kidding. If it erupts, it could lead to 'tsunami' battery water, "said Head of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) Surono. Since the status of Ijen into standby (level III) on December 18, 2011, and the researchers Surono volcano of Mount Ijen PVMBG continue to monitor. Historically, the eruption had caused great destruction Ijen.

According to Taverne (1926) in Kusumadinata (1979), when the 1817 eruption, mudslide Ijen send the most acidic water through Banyupahit River. In fact, Banyupahit is upstream of the river valley inhabited Banyuputih 12 000 inhabitants. In fact, according to Palmer, the eruption in 1817 that has spilled the contents of the lake and caused mudslides that reach the city of Banyuwangi acid, over 25 kilometers of Ijen.

In the Shadow Mountain Gods


After one year break, villagers Ngadirejo, District Sukapura, Probolinggo, East Java, returned to the field. They get rid of the rest of the eruption of Mount Bromo sand and re-planting, as if the disaster never happened.

That morning, mid-November 2011. Fog blanketed the village bordering the ancient caldera of Bromo. In the midst of the cold and drizzle, Sastriarsi (40) and his son, Hardianti (20), with vigorous hoeing the land and prepare seed onion leaves (Allium sp.)

"This is the first time we re-planted," said Sastriarsi. Previously, since November 2010, Bromo erupted and sent ash and sand to Ngadirejo. The eruption seemed endless and continued until nearly seven months.

Kuncoro (45), Chief of the Village Ngadirejo, say, the most severe eruption occurred from January to March 2011. The thickness of ash and sand buried Ngadirejo by more than 2 meters. Some houses collapsed, including the village hall.Although there was no loss of life, the life of villagers at a nadir.Most of the year 2011 the citizens who live as farmers could not grow crops. Sands of Bromo's like a deadly poison plants.

"People here had no savings of money. Savings in the fields, such as vegetables are grown, "said Sastriarsi. "But how else, all dead vegetable, seeds are also dead, the land could be planted." To make a living, almost all men who are still healthy in the village go to town looking for work potluck. "There are a handyman, carpenter, shop assistant, or working in the restaurant. My husband works at the supermarket in town, "said Hardianti.Assistance coming from outside helped relieve the suffering citizens.


Though always under threat, residents Ngadirejo will never want to leave their village. Sastriarsi say, living in the Tengger caldera to toughen up. The fear must be thrown away. "We are not afraid anymore when Bromo erupted. Children are not afraid. Bromo has erupted before too large. I myself suffered four major eruption, "he said.

In each eruption, Sastriarsi never wanted to flee. They opted to stay at home while cleaning the roof of dust and sand. "If left, the house would collapse," he said. "After all, the eruption is not forever." The land was originally arable, after a few months, it becomes more fertile with no fertilizer. "So, we just have to patiently wait for nature to work," said Sastriarsi. "After that, we turn to the work."

Sastriarsi was refused aid because the money they need now is not the money. "We do not want to be helped by the money we needed for agricultural seeds. You see, our savings in the form of seed plants are sold out, "he said.

The will of nature

Sastriarsi obstinacy and other Tengger people emerged from the conviction. They believe, Bromo crater is a funeral that has been deified ancestors. Sutomo, shamans (the name for traditional leaders) in Ngadisari, say, if people keep in harmony with the gods in the Bromo and routinely give offerings, victims of the eruption will be minimized, if not zero at all.

Therefore, when Bromo erupted in 2010-2011, various ceremonies were held. However, it still sends Bromo sand and ash. "The eruption of Bromo is the will of nature, would diupacarakan like what, no matter how the offering would be, if it's His will, yes, it is still erupting," said Mercy (40), residents Ngadirejo.

However, according to Mercy, the ceremony does not mean useless. "Demand in the ceremony is to be no casualties.Apparently there is no single victim, "he said.

According to Mercy, a lot of people the wrong perception of the eruption of Bromo as applying outside the view to Bromo. "At that time, right, many are watching television when Merapi erupted.Because of that, we all fear, thinking it would explode like Bromo Merapi, "said Mercy.

Some residents had feared and fled, but soon returned home because they later realized, was different from the eruption of Mount Merapi, an explosive. "We hear, Bromo will erupt again in 2012. Whether true or not. But, we will face it with a prayer that no one was killed. We have often met and face the possibility of eruption of Bromo. So, we are not afraid anymore, "said Mercy.

However, the courage to live it, according to Mercy, is not fully supported desperation. Evacuation procedures and how to cope with disasters residents slowly began to be accepted. Youth Disaster Preparedness was formed. Residents are increasingly aware that the most important thing while living on the edge of Bromo is how to understand the will of nature, pick away at the right time, and determine the time when to return.

In the Shadow Mountain Gods


After one year break, villagers Ngadirejo, District Sukapura, Probolinggo, East Java, returned to the field. They get rid of the rest of the eruption of Mount Bromo sand and re-planting, as if the disaster never happened.

That morning, mid-November 2011. Fog blanketed the village bordering the ancient caldera of Bromo. In the midst of the cold and drizzle, Sastriarsi (40) and his son, Hardianti (20), with vigorous hoeing the land and prepare seed onion leaves (Allium sp.)

"This is the first time we re-planted," said Sastriarsi. Previously, since November 2010, Bromo erupted and sent ash and sand to Ngadirejo. The eruption seemed endless and continued until nearly seven months.

Kuncoro (45), Chief of the Village Ngadirejo, say, the most severe eruption occurred from January to March 2011. The thickness of ash and sand buried Ngadirejo by more than 2 meters. Some houses collapsed, including the village hall.Although there was no loss of life, the life of villagers at a nadir.Most of the year 2011 the citizens who live as farmers could not grow crops. Sands of Bromo's like a deadly poison plants.

"People here had no savings of money. Savings in the fields, such as vegetables are grown, "said Sastriarsi. "But how else, all dead vegetable, seeds are also dead, the land could be planted." To make a living, almost all men who are still healthy in the village go to town looking for work potluck. "There are a handyman, carpenter, shop assistant, or working in the restaurant. My husband works at the supermarket in town, "said Hardianti.Assistance coming from outside helped relieve the suffering citizens.


Though always under threat, residents Ngadirejo will never want to leave their village. Sastriarsi say, living in the Tengger caldera to toughen up. The fear must be thrown away. "We are not afraid anymore when Bromo erupted. Children are not afraid. Bromo has erupted before too large. I myself suffered four major eruption, "he said.

In each eruption, Sastriarsi never wanted to flee. They opted to stay at home while cleaning the roof of dust and sand. "If left, the house would collapse," he said. "After all, the eruption is not forever." The land was originally arable, after a few months, it becomes more fertile with no fertilizer. "So, we just have to patiently wait for nature to work," said Sastriarsi. "After that, we turn to the work."

Sastriarsi was refused aid because the money they need now is not the money. "We do not want to be helped by the money we needed for agricultural seeds. You see, our savings in the form of seed plants are sold out, "he said.

The will of nature

Sastriarsi obstinacy and other Tengger people emerged from the conviction. They believe, Bromo crater is a funeral that has been deified ancestors. Sutomo, shamans (the name for traditional leaders) in Ngadisari, say, if people keep in harmony with the gods in the Bromo and routinely give offerings, victims of the eruption will be minimized, if not zero at all.

Therefore, when Bromo erupted in 2010-2011, various ceremonies were held. However, it still sends Bromo sand and ash. "The eruption of Bromo is the will of nature, would diupacarakan like what, no matter how the offering would be, if it's His will, yes, it is still erupting," said Mercy (40), residents Ngadirejo.

However, according to Mercy, the ceremony does not mean useless. "Demand in the ceremony is to be no casualties.Apparently there is no single victim, "he said.

According to Mercy, a lot of people the wrong perception of the eruption of Bromo as applying outside the view to Bromo. "At that time, right, many are watching television when Merapi erupted.Because of that, we all fear, thinking it would explode like Bromo Merapi, "said Mercy.

Some residents had feared and fled, but soon returned home because they later realized, was different from the eruption of Mount Merapi, an explosive. "We hear, Bromo will erupt again in 2012. Whether true or not. But, we will face it with a prayer that no one was killed. We have often met and face the possibility of eruption of Bromo. So, we are not afraid anymore, "said Mercy.

However, the courage to live it, according to Mercy, is not fully supported desperation. Evacuation procedures and how to cope with disasters residents slowly began to be accepted. Youth Disaster Preparedness was formed. Residents are increasingly aware that the most important thing while living on the edge of Bromo is how to understand the will of nature, pick away at the right time, and determine the time when to return.

Threat of Flood Water "Aki" of Ijen


 This time the acid flow Banyuputih has undermined the health of the Village Pillows, District Asembagus, Situbondo, East Java.Greater calamity could happen if Mount Ijen is the source of Kali Banyuputih erupted and spilled water flood "battery". Hulu Sungai Banyupahit so quiet. There was no splash of fish or insects. In fact, the algae were unable to grow on the rocky bottom of the river, which flows almost without stopping it.

Life is almost abstruse present in the upstream river bounded by the walls of the crater of Mount Ijen it. Water acidity (pH) in the upstream river reaches Banyupahit 0.8 (neutral pH 7) to make it like a flowing river water toxic to life. "From Banyupahit, acidic water is then channeled to the river Banyuputih, who previously met with Sun River water and the air-Sengon neutral pH," says researcher Technology Development Center of Investigation and Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta, Sri Sumarti, beginning November 2011. "In Banyuputih water acidity range 3-4." That evening, Sri indicate acidic water traveling from the crater down to the River Banyuputih, which for many years to poison thousands of citizens of the Village Pillows, District Asembagus, Situbondo, East Java.


Sri said the acid in river water levels are caused by water seepage Banyupahit Ijen crater. "There are parts of the crater lake that is not water that seeps out of the lake," said Sri examining the Ijen crater since 1996. "Seepage was then emerging as a source of water for the River Banyupahit." Seepage water from the crater of Ijen, according to Sri, occurred at an altitude of 1850 masl.

However, according to Stephanie Palmer, in his thesis statement "Hydrogeochemistry of the upper Banyu Bitter River valley, volcano crater" (2008), pollution of the River Banyupahit nothing to do with the leaking of Ijen crater. The conclusion was made after identifying three springs in the upper Banyupahit acid. He then compared the chemical composition of the water.

The first springs located to the west of the crater, according to Palmer, the seepage of water leakage crater at an altitude of 2090 meters above sea level with a pH of less than 1. At this location, spread gypsum fields that are the result of water meeting acid reaction with limestone rocks. However, the flow of these springs disappeared into the ground.

Other springs at an altitude of 2075 meters above sea level and has a water content of the crater. This water flowed on the surface only for a moment, then returned to seep into the ground. Acidic springs are the lowest third (1975 masl) and marked with yellow-green water. Palmer argues, the spring water was not associated with Ijen crater on the grounds of different chemical composition of water with the water of the crater.

The first spring seepage water contains 95 percent of the crater and 5 percent of groundwater. The third spring that has a 15.4 liter per second discharge is a product of hydrothermal, magma activity results are not related to Mount Ijen crater with water."Banyupahit get acid water from this spring, instead of 'leakage' of water of the crater as the assumption for this," he said.

Acidic springs that is what, according to Palmer, then contaminate Banyupahit and Banyuputih. Meanwhile, two other acidic springs that flow into the Earth dissipate its impact is unknown because no contact with surface water.

Ijen Crater

From any source of water and acid in Banyupahit Banyuputih, Ijen complex activity is concerned. The biggest threat in the form of breakdown Ijen crater lake that holds 30 million cubic meters of acidic water with pH from 0 to 0.8. If it touched the skin may itch, and even blisters.

Has a length of 800 meters and 700 meters wide with a depth of 180 meters, Ijen crater lake is one of the largest in the world of aqueous acid. In the other hemisphere, a number of acidic springs at Mount Poas in Costa Rica. In New Zealand, Ruapehu volcano activity polluting the Whangaehu River.

Sri Sumarti said the crater of Mount Ijen (2346 masl) is located on the eastern edge of the ancient caldera Ijen, which formed about 50,000 years ago. Previously, Mount Ijen ancient conical altitude 3500 meters above sea level. Bottom of the crater of Mount Ijen is impermeable to water accommodated and eventually form a crater lake. "On the other mountains, such as Kelud, potentially acidic water formed. However, because the mountain was erupting frequently, have not had time to form acidic eruptions have occurred, "he said.

In contrast to the rare eruption of Mount Ijen. As a result, gas water forming acids, such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), chlorine (Cl), fluorine (F), and hydrochloric acid (HCl), continues to accumulate. "If these elements react with water for hundreds of years, will be the acid water," said Sri.

Highly acidic water that resembles a battery acid which is the biggest threat of Mount Ijen. "Ijen not kidding. If it erupts, it could lead to 'tsunami' battery water, "said Head of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) Surono. Since the status of Ijen into standby (level III) on December 18, 2011, and the researchers Surono volcano of Mount Ijen PVMBG continue to monitor. Historically, the eruption had caused great destruction Ijen.

According to Taverne (1926) in Kusumadinata (1979), when the 1817 eruption, mudslide Ijen send the most acidic water through Banyupahit River. In fact, Banyupahit is upstream of the river valley inhabited Banyuputih 12 000 inhabitants. In fact, according to Palmer, the eruption in 1817 that has spilled the contents of the lake and caused mudslides that reach the city of Banyuwangi acid, over 25 kilometers of Ijen.

Bromo Not Only Ocean Pacific


 Mount Bromo Tengger mountains and not only famous for the beauty of the landscape. Culture Tengger people who inhabit it for a long time to "tour" of life. One ritual Karo. Mid-October, a series of ritual ceremonies or rites pawedalan universe Karo held once a year it started. Gamelan ketiplung purification ceremony accompanied the departure of the remains of the ancestral heritage Ngadisari Village, District Sukapura, Probolinggo, East Java, a place sacred to the citizen.

Shaman Ngadisari, Sutomo, leading indigenous elders and village alleys marched through the village. Heirloom kris, spears, and even money in the hallowed ancient ritual flower bath.Children and adults dressed in his best late in the procession.Karo was a sacrificial offering ceremony for the spirits of ancestors, both near the family ancestors and the ancestral founder of the Tengger. The ancestors of this didewatakan dwells in the crater of Bromo. The main ritual ceremony ping tekaning pitu, the ancestral spirits to call home. This ceremony can last two weeks.

However, Karo feast not only for the ancestors. "The ceremony was essentially ceremonial pawedalan universe, we commemorate the birth of the universe. Ceremony called the Karo because the ceremony is held in Tengger Karo according to the calendar, "said Sutomo. For the people of Tengger, natural surroundings, including Mount Bromo, an important note. Good attitude toward nature is part of their beliefs.

There are three points to consider. "First would Sang Hyang Widi joint manifestations, namely the gods and god. Both ancestors.Third ancestor or ancestral ngaluhur Tengger, "he said.
On the slopes of the universe's Tengger celebrated in unison with respect to the ancestors. They believe it is also related to the ceremony paid tribute to the mountain, like Kasada ritual sacrifice which is directly to the mountain.

Less is known
Although not as big Karo Kasada, this ceremony is mentioned very important. Therefore, an indicator of whether someone is still the Tengger people or not. However, the ceremony is still in the ears of foreign tourists. For the citizens of Tengger, Karo is the feast that awaited. Kemeriahannya Fitri for Muslims similar. Karo when the doors open to anyone resident, visiting and entertaining each other. Not only entertain neighbors and relatives, but also to entertain the spirits of ancestors called home.

"The day we went around eating Karo in all houses. This is an old tradition. Guests are offered by us also stop by. Not lip service, it has been customary, "said Moyo, a resident Jetak. Moyo is not a figment words. Friendliness of people make the tourists always want to come see Karo. However, the concept of cultural tourism, which rely on tradition and hospitality of the citizens, is not in direct contact with the tourist industry. In contrast to more villages on the mountain directly involved in the natural charm Bromo tourism industry more commercial, which are all calculated in rupiah.

Rely on natural
Tengger own culture and ritual still overshadowed than in Bali. A young tourist from the Netherlands, Ghonick, said to Bromo for wanting to see the beautiful sunrise and the beautiful mountain scenery. Depart from Village Ngadisari, Ghonick breath panting on arrival at the top of the Tengger Mountains Penanjakan II.Eagerly, he perpetuated the sunrise over Bromo caldera.

Besides the natural beauty, Ghonick also admitted to not know much other information about the Bromo. Various customs and rituals of the Tengger not in the reference. Bali is not like the name of his mind is a combination of cultural attractions and natural charm.
Tourism industry in East Java, Haryono Gondosoewito, said that tourism industry has so far sold more Bromo natural charm, like the Bromo caldera and the beautiful sunrise at the summit Penanjakan. Tourist brochures even mention the sunrise in Bromo as one of the three moments of the world's most beautiful sunrise. Of Penanjakan, tourists can see the summit of Mount Batur, the crater of Mount Bromo, and the peak of Mount Semeru in the distance.

Tengger-Bromo landscape is varied feast for the eyes with beauty. Once the car entered the double axle Bromo area, hills covered with green weeds immediately refresh the eyes. Waves of the hills "carpeted" green hill known as Teletubbies. Driving further stretching sea of ​​sand. Mountain breeze to carve a unique pattern in the sand. Of sea sand, there is a hiking trail to the crater of Bromo.

Various constraints
Tourism actors raise another potential difficulty in Bromo, including culture, due to weak market rate. Indeed there are tourists who are interested to explore the culture, which usually come from Europe. However, the numbers are not significant.Government policy to develop the Bromo also considered less than the maximum because there are three districts that have an interest in the tourist area. "Creating a policy just so difficult because they have the approval of three counties," said Hary, who is also former Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Travel Company (Asita).

In addition, residents seem not ready to receive tourists. Lodging rates, for example, are often offered without standards. Anna and Ben, a tourist from Germany, for example, claim to feel deceived.They pay the hotel is more expensive than the normal fare. "We arrived at Bromo night, so it is important to a room. Apparently after we compare the price, we pay higher prices, "said Anna.

Visitors are prohibited from driving to a tourist area. The choice, walk or hire a horse, motorcycle, or jeep. To persuade travelers to use their services, transport equipment operators often convey misleading information. It's for example say, the distance to a very remote location and difficult to reach a private vehicle that needs to hire a vehicle. Sometimes with expensive tariffs. Rent a jeep for 30 minutes commuting to Rp 300,000.

Under any circumstances, Bromo in East Java tourist magnet.Haryono said the annual event of Majapahit Travel Fair, East Java tourism actors attempt to introduce new destinations to the travel agents from various countries. However, travel agents from different countries are always asked to Bromo. Unfortunately, the mainstay in the Bromo just scenery. Friendliness and cultural uniqueness unnoticed.
