tugas membuat KTP menggunakan ARRAY DAN STRUCT DATA. tugas kuliah
tugas kuliah : Diagram Blok MIkroprosesor 80186/80188
Diagram Blok MIkroprosesor 80186/80188
review tentang modem i hate lelet alias semar
program bahasa c : program untuk mengetahui bilangan tersebut genap atau ganjil
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main(){
int n;
printf("masukkan nilai : ");scanf("%d",&n);
if(n % 2 == 0){
printf("bilangn genap!");
printf("bilangn ganjil!");
bahasa c : program untuk menghitung luas segitiga dan luas lingkaran
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#define pi 3.14
void main(){
int j,a,t;
printf("masukkan jari-jari : ");scanf("%d",&j);
printf("luas lingkaran : %f\n",(pi*j*j));
printf("masukkan alas : ");scanf("%d",&a);
printf("masukkan tinggi : ");scanf("%d",&t);
printf("luas segitiga : %f\n",(0.5*a*t));
materi vektor kelas 10 sma : vektor perkalian dan pembagian
Negatif dari suatu vektor ~A dituliskan sebagai −~A dan didefinisikan sebagai
sebuah vektor dengan besar yang sama dengan besar vektor ~A tetapi
dengan arah yang berlawanan, sehingga ~A + (−1)~A = 0. Dari sini konsep
pengurangan vektor muncul, jadi
− ~B = ~A + (−1)~B.
Aljabar vektor bersifat komutatif dan asosiatif. Jadi ~A + ~B = ~B + ~A, dan
+ (~B + ~C ) = (~A + ~B) + ~C
materi fisika dasar untuk SMA kelas 10 :Besaran dan Pengukuran
Fisika adalah ilmu yang mempelajari benda-benda serta fenomena dan keadaan
yang terkait dengan benda-benda tersebut. Untuk menggambarkan suatu
fenomena yang terjadi atau dialami suatu benda, maka didefinisikan berbagai
besaran-besaran fisika. Besaran-besaran fisika ini misalnya panjang,
jarak, massa, waktu, gaya, kecepatan, temperatur, intensitas cahaya, dan
sebagainya. Terkadang nama dari besaran-besaran fisika tadi memiliki kesamaan
dengan istilah yang dipakai dalam keseharian, tetapi perlu diperhatikan
bahwa besaran-besaran fisika tersebut tidak selalu memiliki pengertian
yang sama dengan istilah-istilah keseharian. Seperti misalnya istilah
pengertian EWB (Electronic WorkBench) dan tutorialnya untuk pemula
EWB (Electronic WorkBench) adalah salah satu jenis software elektronika yang
digunakan untuk melakukan simulasi terhadap cara kerja dari suatu rangkaian listrik. Perlunya
simulasi rangkaian listrik adalah untuk menguji apakah rangkaian listrik itu dapat berjalan
dengan baik dan sesuai dengan pendekatan teori yang digunakan pada buku-buku elektronika,
tanpa harus membuat rangkaian listrik itu secara nyata. Perlu diingat, simulasi yang dilakukan
dengan menggunakan EWB adalah simulasi yang menghasilkan keluaran yang ideal.
Maksudnya keluaran yang tidak terpengaruh oleh faktor-faktor ketidakidealan seperti gangguan
(dikenal dengan noise dalam elektronika) seperti halnya gangguan yang sering terjadi pada
rangkaian listrik yang sebenarnya (nyata).
Penggunaan EWB haruslah didukung oleh pengetahuan dasar tentang elektronika.
materi Probabilitas dan Statistika Dasar teori Peluang untuk universitas
Macam-macam Statistika • Statistika Deskripsi Menyajikan data dalam besaran-besaran statistik sehingga mudah diinterpretasikan seperti nilai minimum, rataan, simpangan baku, median, nilai maksimum atau menyajikan data-data dalam bentukbentuk diagram. • Statistika Inferensi Menggunakan statistika deskripsi untuk menaksir dan menguji besaran statistik. • Data • Percobaan statistik • Data Informasi yang dicatat dan dikumpulkan dalam bentuk asli, baik dalam bentuk hitungan maupun pengukuran. • Percobaan statistik Percobaan merupakan suatu proses yang berulangulang dan hasil proses itu tidak dapat diramalkan dengan pasti sebelumnya. Percobaan digunakan untuk menghasilkan data mentah. Dasar Teori Peluang • Ruang Sampel • Kejadian dan Operasinya • Menghitung Titik Sampel : – Permutasi – Kombinasi
TEORi probabilitas dan IC DATABOOK
DMA to PLB 4 Controller
DMA to PLB4 Controller
This DMA controller provides a DMA interface dedicated to the USB 2.0 device ports and the 128-bit PLB.
Features include:
• 4 independent channels supporting internal USB 2.0 Device endpoints 1 and 2
• Support for memory-to-memory, peripheral-to-memory, and memory-to-peripheral transfers
• Scatter/gather capability
• 128-byte buffer with programmable thresholds
Serial Ports (UART)
Features include:
External Peripheral Bus Controller (EBC) The PowerPC 440 EP
External Peripheral Bus Controller (EBC)
Features include:
• Up to six ROM, EPROM, SRAM, Flash memory, and slave peripheral I/O banks supported
• Up to 66.66MHz operation
• Burst and non-burst devices
• 16-bit byte-addressable data bus
• 30-bit address
• Peripheral Device pacing with external “Ready”
• Latch data on Ready, synchronous or asynchronous
• Programmable access timing per device
– 256 Wait States for non-burst
PCI Interface of The PowerPC 440 EP
PCI Interface
The PCI interface allows connection of PCI devices to the PowerPC processor and local memory. This interface is designed to Version 2.2 of the PCI Specification and supports 32- bit PCI devices.
Reference Specifications:
• PowerPC CoreConnect Bus (PLB) Specification Version 3.1
• PCI Specification Version 2.2
• PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification Version 1.1
Features include:
• PCI 2.2
– Frequency to 66MHz
– 32-bit bus
• PCI Host Bus Bridge or an Adapter Device's PCI interface
• Internal PCI arbitration function, supporting up to six external devices, that can be disabled for use with an
external arbiter
• Support for Message Signaled Interrupts
• Simple message passing capability
• Asynchronous to the PLB
• PCI Power Management 1.1
• PCI register set addressable both from on-chip processor and PCI device sides
• Ability to boot from PCI bus memory
• Error tracking/status
• Supports initiation of transfer to the following address spaces:
– Single beat I/O reads and writes
– Single beat and burst memory reads and writes
– Single beat configuration reads and writes (type 0 and type 1)
– Single beat special cycles
DDR SDRAM Memory Controller
The Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM memory controller supports industry standard discrete devices. Up to four
256MB logical banks are supported in limited configurations. Global memory timings, address and bank sizes, and
memory addressing modes are programmable.
Features include:
• Registered and non-registered industry standard discrete devices
• 32-bit memory interface with optional 8-bit ECC (SEC/DED)
• Sustainable 1.1GB/s peak bandwidth at 133MHz
• SSTL_2 logic
• 1 to 4 chip selects
• CAS latencies of 2, 2.5 and 3 supported
• DDR200/266 support
• Page mode accesses (up to eight open pages) with configurable paging policy
• Programmable address mapping and timing
• Hardware and software initiated self-refresh
• Power management (self-refresh, suspend, sleep)
Internal Buses The PowerPC 440EP
Internal Buses
The PowerPC 440EP features five standard on-chip buses: two Processor Local Buses (PLBs), two On-Chip Peripheral Buses (OPBs), and the Device Control Register Bus (DCR). The high performance, high bandwidth cores such as the PowerPC 440 processor core, the DDR SDRAM memory controller, and the PCI bridge connect to the PLBs. The primary OPB hosts lower data rate peripherals. The secondary OPB is dedicated to USB 2.0 and DMA. The daisy-chained DCR provides a lower bandwidth path for passing status and control information between
microprocessor: 440EP PowerPC 440EP Embedded Processor
PowerPC® 440 processor core operating up to
667MHz with 32KB I-cache and D-cache with
parity checking.
• Selectable processor:bus clock ratios of N:1, N:2.
• Floating Point Unit with single- and doubleprecision
and single-cycle throughput.
• Dual bridged Processor Local Buses (PLBs) with
64- and 128-bit widths.
• Double Data Rate (DDR) Synchronous DRAM
(SDRAM) interface operating up to 133MHz with
• DMA support for external peripherals, internal
UART and memory.
• PCI V2.2 interface (3.3V only). Thirty-two bits at
up to 66MHz.
• Programmable interrupt controller supports
interrupts from a variety of sources.
• Programmable General Purpose Timers (GPT).
• Two Ethernet 10/100Mbps half- or full-duplex
interfaces. Operational modes supported are MII,
RMII, and SMII with packet reject.
The MPC7448 is the first discrete high- MPC7448 POWERPC® PROCESSOR BLOCK DIAGRAM
performance PowerPC® processor manufactured on 90 nanometer silicon-on-insulator (SOI)
process technology and continues Freescale Semiconductor’s strong legacy of providing PowerPC products with significant processing performance at very low power. The MPC7448 is designed to exceed 1.5 GHz processing performance and offers enhanced power management capabilities. Running at 1.4 GHz, the MPC7448 is expected to use less than 10 watts of power. MPC7448 processors are ideal for leading-edge computing, embedded network control and signal processing applications. Key architectural features include an MPX bus that scales to 200 MHz, 1 MB of on-chip L2 cache with support for Error Correcting Codes (ECC), and full 128-bit implementation of Freescale’s AltiVec™ technology with the added feature of supporting out-of-order transactions. The MPC7448 is pin compatible with Freescale’s MPC7447 and MPC7447A PowerPC products, offering an easy upgrade path to better system performance. Caching In
L2 cache helps keep the PowerPC processor pipeline full, enabling faster and more efficient processing—and the increase in the MPC7448’s L2 cache to 1 MB provides even greater opportunity for performance gains.
arsitektur , bus dan fungsi mikroprosesor dan mokrocontroler
dikenal juga dengan sebutan Central Processing Unit (CPU) artinya unit pengolahan pusat.
CPU adalah pusat dari proses perhitungan dan pengolahan data yang terbuat dari sebuah lempengan yang disebut "chip“. Chip sering disebut juga dengan "Integrated Circuit (IC)", bentuknya kecil, terbuat dari lempengan silikon dan bisa terdiridari 10 juta transistor.
Mikroprosesor pertama adalah intel 4004 yang dikenalkan tahun1971, tetapi kegunaan mikroprosesor ini masih sangat terbatas, hanya dapat digunakan untuk operasi penambahan dan pengurangan.Mikroprosesor pertama yang digunakan untuk komputer di rumah adalah intel 8080, merupakan komputer 8 bit dalam satu chip yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 1974. Tahun 1979 diperkenalkanmikroprosesor baru yaitu 8088. Mikroprosesor 8088 mengalami perkembangan menjadi 80286, berkembang lagi menjadi 80486, kemudian menjadi Pentium, dari Pentium I sampai dengan sekarang,Pentium IV.
The MPC7448 is the first discrete high- MPC7448 POWERPC® PROCESSOR BLOCK DIAGRAM
performance PowerPC® processor manufactured
on 90 nanometer silicon-on-insulator (SOI)
process technology and continues Freescale
Semiconductor’s strong legacy of providing
PowerPC products with significant processing
performance at very low power. The MPC7448
is designed to exceed 1.5 GHz processing
performance and offers enhanced power
management capabilities. Running at 1.4 GHz,
the MPC7448 is expected to use less than
10 watts of power. MPC7448 processors are
ideal for leading-edge computing, embedded
network control and signal processing
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis
ARM Microcontroller Code Size Analysis | Overview 1
32‐Bit Microcontroller Code Size
Draft 1.2.4. Joseph Yiu, Andrew Frame
Microcontroller application program code size can directly affect the cost and power consumption of
products therefore it is almost always viewed as an important factor in the selection of a
microcontroller for embedded projects. Since the release and availability of 32‐bit processors such
as the ARM Cortex‐M3, more and more microcontroller users have discovered the benefits of
switching to 32‐bit products – lower power, greater energy efficiency, smaller code size and much
better performance. Whilst most of the benefits of using 32‐bit microcontrollers are widely known,
the code size advantage of 32‐bit microcontrollers is less obvious.
In this article we will explain why 32‐bit microcontrollers can reduce application code size whilst still
achieving high system performance and ease of use.
Typical myths of program size
Myth #1: 8bit
pengertian Mikrokontroler
Arsitektur ARM merupakan arsitektur prosesor 32-bit Reduced Instruction Set
Computer (RISC) yang dikembangkan oleh ARM Limited[1]. Pada awalnya merupakan
prosesor desktop yang sekarang didominasi oleh keluarga x86. Namun desain yang
sederhana membuat prosesor ARM cocok untuk aplikasi berdaya rendah. Prosesor ARM
digunakan di berbagai bidang seperti elektronik umum, termasuk PDA, mobile phone,
media player, music player, game console genggam, kalkulator dan periperal komputer
seperti hard disk drive dan router.
Note that this grouping of the instructions does not indicate which execution unit executes a particular
instruction or group of instructions.
Integer instructions operate on byte, half-word, and word operands. Floating-point instructions operate on
single-precision (one word) and double-precision (one double word) floating-point operands. The PowerPC
architecture uses instructions that are four bytes long and word-aligned. It provides for byte, half-word, and
word operand loads and stores between memory and a set of 32 GPRs. It also provides for word and doubleword
PowerPC Instruction Set PowerPC Instruction Set
The PowerPC instructions are divided into the following categories:
• Integer instructions—These include computational and logical instructions.
— Integer arithmetic instructions
— Integer compare instructions
— Integer logical instructions
— Integer rotate and shift instructions
• Floating-point instructions—These include floating-point computational instructions, as well as
instructions that affect the FPSCR.
1.6 Processor Bus Interface
1.6 Processor Bus Interface
Because the caches on the 603 are on-chip, write-back caches, the predominant type of transaction for most
applications is burst-read memory operations, followed by burst-write memory operations, single-beat
(noncacheable or write-through) memory read and write operations, and direct-store interface operations.
Additionally, there can be address-only operations, variants of the burst and single-beat operations, (for
example, global memory operations that are snooped and atomic memory operations), and address retry
activity (for example, when a snooped read access hits a modified line in the cache).
Memory accesses can occur in single-beat (1–8 bytes) and four-beat burst (32 bytes) data transfers when the
bus is configured as 64 bits, and in single-beat (1–4 bytes), two-beat (8 bytes), and eight-beat (32 bytes) data
Part 1 PowerPC 603 Microprocessor Overview
Part 1 PowerPC 603 Microprocessor Overview
This section describes the features of the 603, provides a block diagram showing the major functional units,
and gives an overview of how the 603 operates.
The 603 is the first low-power implementation of the PowerPC microprocessor family of reduced instruction
set computer (RISC) microprocessors. The 603 implements the 32-bit portion of the PowerPC architecture,
which provides 32-bit effective addresses, integer data types of 8, 16, and 32 bits, and floating-point data
types of 32 and 64 bits. For 64-bit PowerPC microprocessors, the PowerPC architecture provides 64-bit
integer data types, 64-bit addressing, and other features required to complete the 64-bit architecture.
The 603 provides four software controllable power-saving modes. Three of the modes (the nap, doze, and
sleep modes) are static in nature, and progressively reduce the amount of power dissipated by the processor.
The fourth is a dynamic power management mode that causes the functional units in the 603 to
automatically enter a low-power mode when the functional units are idle without affecting operational
performance, software execution, or any external hardware.
The 603 is a superscalar processor capable of issuing and retiring as many as three instructions per clock.
Instructions can execute out of order for increased performance; however, the 603 makes completion appear
materi teknik digital semester 2 pendidikan teknik informatika dan komputer unnes angkatan 2011
buat temen-temen yang belum punya materi teknik digital semester 2 tahun 2012 dapat mengunduh di
password ada di group ptik
- Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA), terdiri atas program studi :
- Matematika
- Fisika
- Astronomi
- Kimia
- Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati (SITH), terdiri atas :
- Program Sains, terdiri atas program studi :
- Biologi
- Mikrobiologi
- Program Rekayasa, terdiri atas program studi :
- Rekayasa Hayati
- Rekayasa Pertanian
- Rekayasa Kehutanan
- Program Sains, terdiri atas program studi :
BERANDA SMA : info dan informasi tentang Bidikmisi Unnes 2012: kuota menjadi 1450 Orang
Kuota Bidikmisi Unnes 2012: 1450 Orang
![]() |
PMB uny tahun 2012 |
- Diselenggarakan oleh Panitia SNMPTN Tahun 2012.
- Penjaringan siswa unggulan dari masing-masing sekolah di seluruh Indonesia yang mempunyai kemampuan akademik sesuai dengan ketentuan SNMPTN 2012.
- Proses seleksi mengikuti ketentuan yang berlaku dalam SNMPTN 2012.
- Mahasiswa Program Studi di Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan akan ditempatkan di asrama dengan biaya diatur tersendiri.
beranda SMA : Jadwal Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Indonesia Tahun 2012/2013
Jadwal Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru TA 2012/2013
No | Kegiatan | Program Pendidikan | Pendaftaran Online | Seleksi Masuk | Pengumuman |
1. | SNMPTN Undangan | S1 reguler | 1 Februari - 8 Maret 2012 | - | 28 Mei 2012 |
2. | Prestasi Pemerataan Kesempatan Belajar (PPKB) Vokasi | D3 | 13 Februari - 27 April 2012 | - | 28 Mei 2012 |
3. | Prestasi Pemerataan Kesempatan Belajar (PPKB) S1 Paralel | S1 Paralel | 13 Februari - 27 April 2012 | - | 28 Mei 2012 |
4. | Talent Scouting | S1 Kelas Internasional | 13 Februari - 27 April 2012 | - | 28 Mei 2012 |
5. | SIMAK UI - Pascasarjana Gasal Gel.1 | Profesi, Spesialis, Magister(S2), Doktor (S3) | 13 Februari - 6 April 2012 | 15 April 2012 | 20 Mei 2012 |
6. | SNMPTN Tulis | S1 Reguler | 10 - 31 Mei 2012 | 12-13 Juni 2012 | 7 Juli 2012 |
7. | SIMAK UI | D3, S1 Reguler, S1 Paralel | 4-22 Juni 2012 | 8 Juli 2012 | 29 Juli 2012 |
8. | SIMAK UI - Kelas Internasional | S1 Kelas Internasional | 4-22 Juni 2012 | 1 juli 2012 | 29 Juli 2012 |
9. | SIMAK UI - Pascasarjana Gasal Gel.2 | Profesi, Spesialis, Magister (S2), Doktor (S3) | 4-22 Juni 2012 | 8 Juli 2012 | 29 Juli 2012 |
10. | SIMAK UI - Ekstensi | S1 Esktensi (jenjang lanjutan D3 ke S1) | 2-27 Juli 2012 | 5 Agustus 2012 | 12 Agustus 2012 |
11. | SIMAK UI - Pascasarjana Genap | Profesi, Spesialis, Magister (S2), Doktor (S3) | 8 Oktober - 23 November 2012 | 2 Desember 2012 | 7 Januari 2013 |
buat adek2 SMA yang ingin tahu tentang SPMU uNNES dapat mengunjungi situs spmu UNNES
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